Thursday, December 3, 2020 20:00 PM (GMT + 7)
British naval officers decided to replace the 170 crew members in one of the four most powerful nuclear submarines due to an incident that occurred just days before the HMS Vengeance submarine set sail on patrol duty. .
HMS Vengeance is one of the four most powerful nuclear submarines in the British Navy today.
All 170 crew members aboard the HMS Vengeance nuclear submarine were replaced, days before setting sail on a nuclear deterrent patrol, according to The Sun.
The entire team of officers and sailors is quarantined, food and water are brought into the room and will have to undergo periodic tests.
British naval officers had to crack down on a Covid-19 outbreak aboard a nuclear submarine, which often operates for months on the high seas.
With the time for the HMS Vengeance to navigate and to ensure that the British navy always had at least one submarine to serve as a nuclear deterrent on the high seas, British naval officers decided to replace the entire crew. .
The group of sailors that arrived to take over the submarine HMS Vengeance was likely from one of the other three nuclear submarines of the same Vanguard class.
A British naval source said that an inspector who came to inspect HMS Vengeance, when the ship docked at the Faslane naval base in Scotland last week, could be the source of the infection.
At least 10 crew members on board showed symptoms after close contact with the infected first officer and were immediately quarantined. British naval officers later ordered the quarantine of the entire crew.
“It would be catastrophic if Covid-19 exploded while the ship was on patrol duty,” the source said.
The entire British nuclear arsenal is now housed in four Vanguard-class nuclear submarines. Each vessel is designed to carry 16 Trident nuclear ballistic missiles.
The Trident missile equipped on HMS Vengeance has a range of 12,000 km, reaching a maximum speed of 21,000 km / h. Whenever the submarine launches missiles with a purposeH drills, all airlines are notified to avoid flying into dangerous areas.
According to British military doctrine, at least one nuclear submarine must be patrolled on the high seas to carry out a nuclear attack if Britain is caught by the enemy’s nuclear attack.
HMS Vengeance is the latest Vanguard-class nuclear submarine. The ship has been in service with the British Navy since 2001.
Source: http: //danviet.vn/truoc-ngay-ra-khoi-tau-ngam-hat-nhan-anh-phai-thay-toan-bo-170-thanh-vien-thuy …

A Royal Navy officer in charge of 16 Trident nuclear missiles was recently sent home as the submarine …