Friday, May 15, 2020 11:00 AM (GMT + 7)
The US military is increasing military pressure on China over mounting tensions in the South China Sea and accusing Beijing of using the Covid-19 epidemic to expand its influence in the region.
American warships have recently had freedom of navigation missions in the South China Sea.
In recent weeks, US B-1 strategic warships and bombers. USA They have continuously conducted military missions, demonstrating their commitment to maintaining a regional presence and protecting US allies. USA .
The Pentagon also confirmed that the USS Theodore Roosevelt’s nuclear aircraft carrier will set sail again this month. Hundreds of sailors were once infected with the Corona virus, forcing their crew to be quarantined in Guam.
United States military movements were accompanied by pressure from diplomatic channels, with United States President Donald Trump and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo claiming that China hid the Covid-19 epidemic.
The Pentagon accuses China of using the disease to expand its military and economic activities in the region. “China is taking advantage of the region’s approach to tackle the Covid-19 epidemic to promote its own interests,” said United States Navy Capt. Michael Kafka, spokesman for the Indo-Pacific Command. CNN
Through its military chain, the Pentagon sends a message to China that the plague does not affect American military power, according to CNN.
“We have the capacity and the resources to participate from afar anywhere, anytime, even during epidemics,” said Gen. Timothy Ray, commander of the Global Air Command, which oversees strategic bomber operations, he said.
On Tuesday, the US Pacific Fleet. USA He announced an unprecedented mission, taking all submarines involved in maritime exercises to “guarantee freedom of navigation in the Indo-Pacific on Covid-19”.
Although the US Army USA It recently ended the strategy of “maintaining a permanent presence” of strategic bombers in Guam, the US air force. USA It still sent B-1 bombers to Guam to deal with China. .
Last month, guided missile destroyers and cruisers guided the US. USA Through the Spratly and Paracel Islands of Vietnam, defying China’s irrational claims.
US military officials did not mention the possibility of a conflict with China, but Defense Secretary Mark Esper made it clear that his position was a priority for China.
“We are very concerned about China’s increasing military action, seizing the opportunity to intimidate its neighbors, making unreasonable claims in the South China Sea, as the entire region is focusing on coping.” Covid-19, ”Pentagon spokesman Lt. Col. Dave Eastburn told CNN.
Furthermore, the United States also sent a clear message that Washington opposes illegal construction of artificial islands and military escalation to unilaterally monopolize the East China Sea.
“We will continue to carry out our mission of freedom of navigation, to challenge China’s irrational claims, especially in the South China Sea. Our warship also recently passed through the Taiwan Strait, affirming that the United States will continue to fly, pass and operate in areas where international law allows, “Kafka said.
Anthony Junco, spokesman for the United States Navy Seventh Fleet, said the arrival of the guided-missile destroyer USS McCampbell to the Taiwan Straits, demonstrating the United States’ commitment to security and freedom of navigation in the area.
The strait that separates Taiwan and mainland China is considered a sensitive area by Beijing, which often dispatches warships near American warships.
Last month, China sent the prospecting ship, Hai Duong Geological Survey 8, along with other shipping vessels to pressure the exploration vessel operated by the Malaysian oil company in Malaysia’s exclusive economic zone. The United States responded by repeatedly bringing warships closer to the Malaysian investigation.
According to CNN, through this action, the United States confirmed that it would intervene if China wanted to “swallow” the abundant resources in the South China Sea.
“China needs to end its resource hoarding actions in the South China Sea. Millions of people live in the region who depend on this resource, “said Admiral John Aquilino, commander of the US Pacific fleet.
Source: http: //danviet.vn/gia-tang-suc-ep-quan-su-my-gui-thong-diep-ran-de-ro-rang-den-trung-quoc-502020 …

Satellite images show the unthinkable scale of Chinese fleets in the South China Sea.