In 2019, 32-year-old Anna Khramtsova, a guard in the Russian National Guard, surpassed more than 1,000 contestants across the country to win the Miss Universe pageant.
However, Anna Khramtsova has just been expelled from the army for posting a video of her disinfectant spray where she works on social media. Russia’s sexiest bodyguard said she was hurt for being too beautiful and seductive.
“Someone hates me, jealous of me for my hobby of showing off my body and wearing a bikini”, Anna told the Govorit Moscow news agency.
“The reason I was deported is unacceptable. I only recorded the process of disinfection of the workplace and published it to boost the morale of my colleagues ”, Anna said.
“A lot of people tried to hurt after I won a beauty pageant last year. Now they are satisfied. However, I will demand the decision to deport myself ”, Anna said.
“I am very proud of that victory. My male companions congratulated me a lot. Some people write letters, some people try to date me. However, many of her teammates were jealous. They don’t even respond when I say hello. I don’t understand why they have to, ”Anna said.
A source in the Russian National Guard said in the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper that Anna, the female soldier, violated the rules by posting videos inside her office on social media.
“Disciplinary compliance is a must for soldiers. It doesn’t matter who they are ”, sources from the Russian National Guard said.
Anna said she received many “requests” after being famous, but turned them down.
“I have always acted professionally. I come from a family with a history of working in the military. My father and mother used to wear military uniforms. I am proud to be a soldier ”, Anna shares.