
Typhoon Goni is still quite far away, but the storm is forecast to enter the East Sea on November 1 – Photo: go.noaa.gov
Information at the meeting in response to the floods and rains that occurred this morning, October 29, Mr. Hoang Phuc Lam, deputy director of the National Center for Hydrometeorological Forecast, said lAustralia 4am this morning, The storm was at the 137th meridian, almost 2,000 kilometers from the East Sea.
Forecasts show that around 1 to 11 storms may enter the South China Sea around the morning. National Center for Hydrometeorological Forecasts News of this storm is expected to be released on October 30.
The long-distance forecast shows Typhoon Goni is likely to hit central Vietnam next week. However, as of October 30, the cold air descends quite strongly, so when Typhoon Goni approaches the East Sea, there will be interactions with the cold air. At the time, the advance of the storm was relatively complicated.
Forecasts show that when it enters the South China Sea, the storm tends to move north, close to the cold air mass. Therefore, the forecast for rain in central Vietnam in the first half of November remains difficult.
The Japanese forecasting model shows that the hurricane’s track “sinks” in a southwesterly direction from where it formed, then shifts to the northwest as it enters the South China Sea and into the central provinces.
Similarly, the US Navy’s forecast model shows that this hurricane peak could reach Category 3 on the Saffir-Simpson scale, with winds likely to reach almost 200 km / h on October 31 close From philippines. .
However, upon entering the South China Sea, this storm quickly subsided. On November 2, the wind power of the storm decreased to about 120 km / h while it was still very far from our continent.
According to experts, this storm has a lower landing position and direction than Typhoon No. 9 (Molave) and the force is not equal. The reason is that the cold air coming down from the north causes the sea that passes through to dry out, cool and gradually reduce energy.
It is forecast that if this storm hits the mainland, it can land in the area from Phu Yen to Nha Trang with wind levels around 7-8 (50 – 75 km / h).
At the same time as the aforementioned tropical depression strengthens to become Typhoon No. 10, there will be some more lowlands in the Pacific region, of which one area will strengthen in a storm but the direction of movement tends to enter the area. from Taiwan. Loan.