HCMCThe tenth grade student has tuberculosis, he does not want to go to the doctor because he is afraid of spending money and misses school, he dies of tuberculosis with many organs, infectious shock.
A 15-year-old patient died at Children’s Hospital 1, on October 14 in the afternoon, after four days of admission, information from Dr. Du Tuan Quy, Deputy Head of the Department of Infections – Neurology. The cause of death is that tuberculosis germs attack multiple organs, causing infiltration of two lungs, intestinal necrosis, perforation, peritonitis.
Late at night on October 13, the mother took her son to the emergency room with a stomach ache, severe cramps and unstable legs. My abdomen is swollen, spastic response. A month earlier, he complained to his mother of abdominal pain, fever, and loss of appetite. Starting at 30 kg, he lost 24 kg, skin and bones. The mother said that many times she wanted to take her son to the doctor, but she refused, partly because the family was poor, fearing to spend money, partly because she did not want to leave school.
Abdominal ultrasound showed a perforation of the intestine causing peritonitis. The doctor decided to undergo urgent surgery, to intervene before more dangerous complications occurred. When opening the abdominal cavity, the intestine has a purple-black necrosis, to remove and connect the two ends of the healthy intestine.

TB germs. Image: Fiercehealthcare.
After the surgery is completed, the test results are available: the patient has tuberculosis of multiple organs, including the lungs, intestines, and peritoneum. For four days, I had to be on mechanical ventilation, on intensive antibiotic treatment, and on drugs for tuberculosis. However, the condition was too severe and the physical condition was exhausted, and I was unable to respond to treatment and died.
Dr. Quy said that the patient’s family was difficult. The single mother makes a living herding calves and washing dishes in a rice shop. Outside of school, I go to the bar to help my mother. The mother and daughter live in a run-down motel. The mother does not remember that her son has been vaccinated against tuberculosis. On examination, the doctor did not see a scar from the BCG vaccine on the boy’s left shoulder, a sign of the tuberculosis vaccination.
The doctor judged that I contracted tuberculosis because I lived in a dusty, humid and unsanitary environment, or I came in contact with a source of infection in the community. The patient’s condition is weak, the immune system is weak. When exposed to the source of tuberculosis, the body does not have antigens available, so it cannot resist the attack of tuberculosis germs.
“The disease has plagued the child for at least 3-6 months. I don’t know how he endured such terrible pain, especially in the month of his death,” Dr. Quy said.
Looking at the sick and pale mother, the doctor advised her to go to Pham Ngoc Thach Hospital, which specializes in respiratory diseases, which will soon be screened for tuberculosis.
According to the doctors, tuberculosis of the intestine, tuberculosis of the peritoneum or death from tuberculosis are currently very rare in Vietnam. For many years, the expanded national immunization program has been successful in preventing tuberculosis. Children are vaccinated against many diseases, including tuberculosis. With just one injection of the BCG vaccine, which has TB scars, the body will produce antigens that fight the invasion of the TB germ for life.
Most TB patients today are diagnosed at an early stage, TB germs only localize and attack in the lungs and lymph nodes, but have not yet penetrated deeply to damage other organs. Currently, tuberculosis has a specific treatment. If the patient complies with the regimen, only 6 to 9 months will the TB germs be isolated, fully controlled, and will not relapse. In drug-resistant tuberculosis, treatment is difficult.
Dr. Quy also recommended that tuberculosis is at risk of returning. Parents should vaccinate their children with BCG completely and on time. When symptoms of anorexia, weight loss, fever, and persistent cough appear, tuberculosis should be considered and medical attention sought immediately.
“Tuberculosis is completely preventable and the anti-tuberculosis drug is provided free of charge,” said the doctor.
Letter Anh