Saturday, May 2, 2020 00:30 AM (GMT + 7)
“Mr. Lang is on a mountain buffalo farm. Will you go now, will I take you to see? Mr. Ho Van Tri, Mr. Lang’s younger brother met us behind the house. After the assent, Tri climbed the mountain so that we could follow him to the captive buffalo farm of the “forest people” Lang …
In 2013, the “forest man” Ho Van Lang (51 years old) and his father Ho Van Thanh in Tra Phong Commune, Tra Bong District (Quang Ngai) were taken to the deep forest by family and local authorities. village That day, Lang and his father wore loincloths braided from forest trees, built houses in tall trees, lived with animals, separated from the human world. After more than 40 years living in the deep forest, Lang returned to the village as a baby, even when he left the forest at the age of 44. And after 7 years of leaving the forest, “the forest” Ho Van Lang had changes … |
Like the buffalo …
It is a fairly large area of land “forest people” Lang very tightly fenced. Mr. Ho Van Tri (Lang’s younger brother) said that the buffalo breeding fence for several hundred meters was attached to these logs created by Lang’s “forest man”. Inside the mountain land it is called “buffalo farm” Lang has 3 buffalo. It was noon, Mr. Lang was still eagerly chopping each jackfruit to feed the buffalo.
The “forest man” Ho Van Lang stored grass for his 3 buffaloes
Do you like buffalo? Lang didn’t understand the question! Mr. Tri translated our question to Mr. Lang in the language of the Cor ethnic group. And then Mr. Lang hastily chewed the betel nut juice from his mouth to the ground, smiling, saying several sentences in Cor. Lang said he loves raising buffalo. There are 3 buffaloes that I am very happy to say. But worried because staying on this mountain, it is too difficult to find grass to eat, so I am afraid of sick buffalo. ”- Tri translated into Vietnamese.
Lang normally worked like many people in town
3 buffaloes are owned by the “forest people” Lang. Lang previously “owned” a first buffalo from a group of reporters from the Quang Ngai television and radio station for his livelihood. From that buffalo, he raised for a few years and then sold and bought cows to raise. After selling 4 cows, Mr. Lang asked his younger brother to buy these 3 buffalo again.
Mr. Lang’s Buffalo Farmland
“When I first returned, Mr. Lang did not know how to raise buffalo. Mr. Lang told me how to raise this child. And then I showed it to him and took him to mow the grass to feed it. When I sold the buffaloes the first time, they saw them get in the car and then they gave it back to me and Mr. Lang saw the money to buy a lot of things, so Mr. Lang understood and liked to raise buffalo. Every morning I go to the mountain to look for grass and leaves to feed the 3 buffaloes ”- said Mr. Tri.
… but “forest people” dare not raise buffalo
Lang “Lang” made a fairly sturdy platform made of forest trees right in the area where the buffalo was kept. “It took Mr. Lang several months to build trusses and fences around this land. The reason is that, while I really like raising buffalo, I didn’t dare raise buffalo, so I thought about this, ”said Mr. Tri with a smile.
Dare not to release buffaloes, so the “forest people” Lang decided to stay in the fields
Every day when he feeds the buffalo, Mr. Lang only stands in a high position to grow grass, jackfruit and other buffalo dishes. Lang has never dared to go down to the buffalo farm out of fear.
We had to drive the buffalo away, we were able to “lure” him to fall to the ground, but he hurried up the high rocky snout in the living room. Mr. Ho Van Dieu, from the same village with the “forest people,” Lang said cheerfully, “It’s so much fun to see Lang raise buffalo. The entire village only has this to make a self-managed buffalo breeding area like this. Seeing him change a lot, integration with the people is also very happy. “
7 years into the forest, Ho Van Lang has changed a lot
Lang reached out slowly and pulled out more grass for his 3 buffalo. Mr. Tri asked his brother: “Is it fun to return to your town? Do you like it? Is it like living in a deep forest? Hearing the questions in Cor from his younger brother, the “forest man” Lang nodded and laughed at Cor. “Forest man” Lang told him to live happily. Buffalo is raised every day. Once upon a time in the mountains, I could only hear the sounds of birds and birds, but now I can hear the sounds of motorcycles, meet and talk in Cor with many people, I don’t want to go to the forest anymore.
The “man of the forest” Ho Van Lang was removed from the forest 7 years ago
After saying that, the “forest man” Lang put his hand on a wooden stick behind him and stood up, motioning for his younger brother, Ho Van Tri, to return to the village when it was noon.
7 years is a long journey for Ho Van Lang to perfect himself and catch up on real life in town. And Lang did … Invite readers to read the next period When the “forest people” Ho Van Lang cooks at 0:30 on 3/5 in the article Daily News.
Source: http: //danviet.vn/tin-tuc-viet-nam/sau-7-nam-ve-lang-cuoc-song-nguoi-rung-ho-van-lang-gio-ra-sao …
When asked if he would rather get married, the “jungle man” smiled and nodded.