The activities of Chinese ships infringe Vietnamese sovereignty in the South China Sea


Operation of Chinese ships that violate Vietnamese sovereignty in the South China Sea - Photo 1.

Photo of Chinese ships anchored in an area of ​​the South China Sea on March 7 in the Inquirer newspaper – Photo: Inquirer

Responding to a question at the regular press conference this afternoon, March 25, Vietnam Foreign Ministry spokesman Le Thi Thu Hang claimed that China had violated Vietnam’s sovereignty and, at the same time, called on China to stop the violation of this crime.

“It is necessary to reiterate that Vietnam has sufficient legal basis and historical evidence to assert sovereignty over the Spratly Islands, in accordance with international law. 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), Vietnam enjoys sovereignty, sovereign rights, and jurisdiction over its waters, which are established by the Convention, “said Ms. Thu Hang.

The spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs emphasized that the activities of Chinese ships within the territorial sea of ​​Sinh Ton Dong, belonging to the Spratly Islands of Vietnam, have violated the sovereignty of Vietnam, violating the regulations of the Cong Convention. On the activities of foreigners. Ships in the coastal national territorial sea, contrary to the spirit and content of the Declaration on Conduct of the countries of the East Sea (DOC), complicates the situation, it is not conducive to negotiations on a Code of Conduct in the China Sea Southern (COC) between ASEAN and China.

“Vietnam called on China to stop its violations, respect Vietnam’s sovereignty, goodwill to implement the Convention, strictly comply with the DOC, especially the obligation to stop the situation, not complicate the situation, to create a favorable environment. The university it facilitates the COC negotiation process, contributes to the maintenance of peace, security, stability and legal order at sea in the region ”, he added.

Regarding the presence or not of the appearance of Vietnamese maritime vessels on the island of Ba Dau, spokesperson Le Thi Thu Hang emphasized: “I can say that the security forces of Vietnam fulfill their duties and duties, as stipulated in the relevant laws of Vietnam in addition to strictly complying with the relevant provisions of international law, the first of which is the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. “

Earlier on Tuesday, Philippine media reported the presence of 220 Chinese ships in an area in the “Western Philippine” Sea, the way the Philippines refers to the South China Sea.

Consequently, the National Task Force (NTF) in the South China Sea said that the Philippine Coast Guard detected 220 Chinese ships parked on a reef, suspected by the Chinese militia.

The Inquirer also quoted the NTF as saying it was concerned that these vessels could overfish, damage the marine environment and threaten safe navigation at sea.

The Philippine side also noted that the aforementioned Chinese vessels “do not actually fish” but “turn on all white light at night.

In a statement on the afternoon of March 21, Philippine Defense Minister Delfin Lorenzana stated that the Chinese ships were in the “exclusive economic zone and continental shelf of the Philippines”, so this was a “provocative action.” .

“We ask China to stop the intrusion and immediately remove the ships that violate the maritime rights and territorial sovereignty of the Philippines,” Lorenzana said.
