The Ministry of Public Security and the Local Police are implementing citizen identification (CCCD) with chips for people at the national level, with the aim of completing the issuance of CCCD cards in the new form before July 1, 2021 for around 50 million of people.
Accordingly, the chip-mounted CCCD number includes 12 numbers, which are assigned according to the principles such as the 12-digit identification card number, the bar code CCCD number before.
According to article 19 of the Citizen Identity Law of 2014, the citizen’s identity card number is the personal identification number, which is used to connect, update, share and exploit information about citizens. In accordance with article 13 of Decree 137/2015 and Circular 07/2016 of the Ministry of Public Security, the personal identification number is a natural 12-digit number, which shows the following information:
– The first three numbers are the code of the province or central city or the code of the country where the citizen registered his birth (the code of the city of Hanoi is 001; HCMC is 079 …)
– The next digit is the code of the century of birth, the citizen’s gender code, the number corresponding to the citizen’s gender and century of birth. As follows:
If the citizen was born in the 20th century (from 1900 to the end of 1999): Male 0, female 1.
If you are a citizen born in the 21st century (from 2000 to the end of 2099): Male 2, female 3.
If citizens were born in the 22nd century (from 2100 to 2199): Male 4, female 5.
If a sinful citizen in the 23rd century (from 2200 to the end of 2299): Male 6, female 7
If sinful citizenship in the 24th century (from 2300 to 2399): Male 8, female 9.
– The next two digits are the citizen’s year of birth, represented by the last two digits of the citizen’s year of birth (if a citizen was born in 1999, the citizen’s year of birth code will be 99).
– The next six numbers are the range of random numbers (012345; 999999 …)
Therefore, by looking at a person’s CCCD card number, you will know three pieces of information about that person, including the place where the citizen registered their birth, sex, and year of birth.
According to the Ministry of Public Security, the assembly of electronic chips in CCCD cards is to store information of citizens with the purpose of facilitating citizens to carry out administrative transactions, travel and improve their own efficiency electronic coating, digital government. “The chip mounted on the CCCD card does not have the function of locating and tracking to determine the position of the citizen. The integration and use of information on the chip must comply with the provisions of Vietnamese law, ensuring safety and security. Information security “- Confirmed the Ministry of Public Security. Also according to the Ministry of Public Security, the CCCD card has an electronic chip with high security, large storage capacity, which allows the integration of many packaged applications such as digital signature applications, public security key infrastructure and applications. password request … |

As a CCCD, how often do people receive cards?
(PLO) – When applying for a citizen identity card, if a citizen directly requests to receive the card, they can still keep a valid identification card or a former citizen identity card.