The Central Committee of the Vietnam Homeland Front is one of the first units to organize a conference to collect the opinions of voters to present the candidates for the XVQH period with Mr. Tran Thanh Man (president of the Front of the Homeland Vietnam) and Hau A Lenh. (Vice President, Secretary General of the Vietnam Fatherland Front) – Photo: LE KIEN
Resolution No. 1185 / NQ-UBTVQH14 on “the expected number, structure and composition of deputies to the XV National Assembly” signed by the president of the National Assembly Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan shows that there will be almost 100 elected central members, of which 12 to 14 members of the Politburo, secretary of the Central Committee of the Party.
“The deputies are members of the Central Committee of the Party about 95 comrades (14%), of whom 12-14 are members of the Politburo, secretary of the Central Committee of the Party,” the resolution clearly stated. Also in this resolution, the Standing Committee of the National Assembly guided the structure of the X National Assembly with the participation of 25-50 delegates who are not members of the party (equivalent to 5-10% of the National Assembly).
The amount of 95 central members to make the National Assembly like that more or less?
Just in the above resolution, the Standing Committee of the National Assembly clearly explained that the number of central members participating in the election for the 15th National Assembly belongs to the combined structure, that is, a National Assembly can have more than one structure ( for example, a delegate who is a member of the central government, part of the government bloc and is also the structure of the armed forces).
The XIV National Assembly (incumbent) also has the participation of about 100 members of the Central Committee of the Party, with all the members of the Politburo (at the beginning of the mandate) elected as the National Assembly.
With such a combined structure, all the members of the Standing Committee of the National Assembly, the members of the Government stand for election as the Party Committee, the Party leaders and the leaders of the Party committees, the body of the State President and the leaders of the Homeland of Vietnam. Front. And a number of political and social organizations (Vietnam Women’s Union, Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union), leaders of the Supreme People’s Court, Supreme People’s Court, leaders of the State Audit, secretaries of the Provincial Party, commissioners of the city directly under the Central Government and most of the leaders of the military zones who were nominated for the National Assembly are members of the Central Committee of the Party.
Returning to the orientation structure of the XV National Assembly, with the policy of increasing the proportion of full-time representatives, reducing the rate of representatives of the executive bloc, the Party agencies, this period the resolution of the Standing Committee of the National Assembly determines the The number of delegates in the central agencies is 207 delegates (41.4%).
In which, the agencies of the Party with 10 delegates (2.0%), the agency of the President of the State 3 deputies (0.6%), the agencies of the National Assembly, the agencies of the Permanent Committee of the National Assembly, the office of the National Assembly of Van (full -time member of the National Assembly in the center) 133 delegates (26.6%).
Government Division, government agencies (including the Minister of Defense and the Minister of Public Security) 15 delegates (3.0%); armed forces, military (ministry, military zones, military service and key fields) 12 delegates (2.4%); 2 police representatives (0.4%); Delegate of the People’s Supreme Court 1 (0.2%); VKSND maximum 1 delegate (0.2%); State Audit Delegate 1 (0.2%); The Vietnam Homeland Front and its member organizations are 29 delegates (5.8%).
The number of local representatives of the National Assembly is 293 delegates (58.6%), in which leadership orientation is key in the centrally managed provinces and cities and the heads of delegation of the National Assembly (secretary or vice-secretary , President of the Popular Council, President of the Popular Committee) 63 delegates (12.6%).
Graphics: NGOC THANH