Leaf South China morning post (SCMP) quoted Hong Kong police as saying that a nine-year-old boy living in a residential area of Lam Tin had just died on 1-3 after falling to the ground from the window of a family apartment on the 15th floor.
According to police sources, the boy is said to have tried to open the ventilation window of his room in the South Laguna Street apartment complex, then lost his balance and fell to the ground.
This ventilation window is next to the upper bunk of the bunk where the child sleeps.
A nine-year-old boy died after falling to the ground from the 15th floor of an apartment complex in Hong Kong on the morning of March 1. Photo: SCMP
The tragic incident was discovered when the boy’s father realized that his son was not in his room just before 7:30 a.m. He then went downstairs to search, but to no avail.
After returning to the apartment, the father noticed that the ventilation window in the boy’s bedroom was open, so he hastily checked and found his son lying on the first-floor roof of the building below..
The mother immediately called paramedics to the ambulance after learning the news at 7:45, according to SCMP.
The boy passed away after being taken to United Christian Hospital in Hong Kong. Photo: SCMP
The boy was taken to United Christian Hospital in Quan Duong District unconscious and with multiple injuries. Although the boy was actively cured by the doctors, the boy did not survive.
Faced with the tragic death of his son, the father confirmed that recently nothing unusual has happened between the family members and that his son has not presented abnormalities or mental state.
“The initial investigation showed that the boy fell from the apartment in an accident,” Hong Kong police announced, adding that an autopsy will be carried out soon.
Quan Duong district officials are monitoring the incident. SCMP reports.
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