Trinh Sang is a beloved female star of Hoa Ngu, given the title of “goddess of youth” because she has a beautiful face, delicate and pure lines. However, Trinh Sang’s career seems to have dissipated when her ex-boyfriend Truong Hang revealed that they both used to go to the United States to ask for a pregnant woman and give birth. Trinh Sang didn’t even want to admit the baby, which caused Truong Hang to raise the child alone in America.
Trinh Sang’s actions were criticized for saying it was unintentional and cruel. However, many viewers also questioned the behavior of the actress. Previous evidence showed that he showed signs of mental illness, unable to control his personal actions and emotions.
The Trung newspaper gave a series of tests that Trinh Sang had many signs of suspected mental illness.
Before the shocking scandal, a number of Chinese news sites had provided evidence that Trinh Sang might have signs of mental illness.
According to the news site QQ (China), in 2018, Trinh Sang revealed many signs of instability in the control of emotions. The actress once made fans worry when she shared: “Tired. I have to free my hands to bring joy to myself.”
After a few days, the actress continued to share a long post about her own confrontation: “It is boring to be online for a long time, it is worse to find friends and parents to talk to. Wanting to go out with someone but it is not safe. Every day cry, cry, sleep, laugh, cry again. If I do not have mental problems disease then I would definitely be nervous. “
The Sina newspaper, which gave evidence that Trinh Sang had emotional problems when she constantly lost her appetite and suddenly lost weight, she has a tendency to hurt herself, for example, when Trinh Sang once decided to go to bed on the couch to punish herself.
During a live streaming session to promote the purchase of an e-commerce floor. Trinh Sang also showed difficulty controlling her emotions. At first, he was quite happy, but then he suddenly got angry and cried during the broadcast.
Trinh Sang’s reaction made MC feel extremely embarrassed and confused, but Trinh Sang went on to state that she would not participate in any similar form of sales and dropped her head on the table in tears.
Sohu reported that, for a time while participating in the “This is Armored” program, he continued to shout, displaying an angry attitude that made everyone around him feel shy.
The negative emotions of the female artist have shocked Chinese fans, many people worry and speculate that she is showing signs of depression or mental illness due to heavy pressure from celebrity jobs. Fans advised her to take a break if she felt too pressured.
What symptoms if a person has a mental illness?
Mental illness is a form of illness caused by brain dysfunction that causes abnormal changes in words, behaviors, emotions, behaviors, ideas … Mental illness is a common name for many illnesses including: anxiety disorders, depression, schizophrenia, addictive behavior and eating disorders …
When suffering from mental illness, patients often become stressed, have difficulty controlling emotions, and lose the joy of living.
The causes of mental illness can come from hereditary factors due to a family history of this disease, head trauma, exposure to toxic substances, viruses, … while still in the womb. Or it may be due to life difficulties such as failures in study and work …
With mental illness, symptoms can include:
– tired
– Back pain, chest
– Digestive disorders
Headache, dizziness
Weight change: increase or decrease
– Heart beating fast
– There are many abnormalities in thinking, feelings and behavior.
– Feeling bored, always scared, worried
– Avoid friends and activities
– Change of eating habits
– Overly angry, hostile or violent, have suicidal thoughts