According to this dispatch, on August 8 the Ministry of Education and Training sent a report No. 04 / BGDĐT-TCCB to the Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam on the operation of Ton Duc Thang University. After considering the report, Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam has the following views:
First, the Deputy Prime Minister acknowledged that the Ministry of Education and Training has created a working group with Ton Duc Thang University; clarify the management process of the director of Ton Duc Thang University, compared to the provisions of the law; there are instructions for strengthening the leadership apparatus of the school.
The Deputy Prime Minister asked the Ministry of Education and Training to transparently disclose and report the content; respond and absorb related comments. At the same time, the deputy prime minister asked the Ministry of Education and Training to actively coordinate with the General Confederation of Labor of Vietnam; Continue to urge, guide and create the conditions for Ton Duc Thang University to soon consolidate all its leadership in accordance with regulations and continue to develop.
According to the Government Portal, the 04 / BGDĐT-TCCB report that the Ministry of Education and Training sent to Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam on August 8 is the sealed “Confidential” report. In the report, the Ministry of Education and Training said that the Ministry has established a mission, including a representative from the Ministry of Justice, to review and clarify some issues from Ton Duc Thang University.
In accordance with the anti-corruption law to suspend the principal
The Inspection Committee of the Ho Chi Minh City Party Committee concluded that Party Secretary Le Vinh Danh has violated economic management. Based on this conclusion, the Ho Chi Minh City University and University bloc Party Committee decided to withdraw all Party charges from Mr. Le Vinh Danh and requested the cadre management agency to handle the disciplinary actions. rights of Mr. Le Vinh Danh.
According to the regulations on the management of civil servants and public employees, the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor is the agency that appoints civil servants, thus it is also the agency with the authority to discipline civil servants when violations occur. At the time of being disciplined, Mr. Le Vinh Danh was the rector of Ton Duc Thang University, according to the appointment decision of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor.
Before deciding to fire Mr. Le Vinh Danh’s director, the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor decided to suspend his job for 90 days for Mr. Le Vinh Danh. According to the civil servants law, the maximum period of suspension is 30 days. However, the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor has used anti-corruption law to suspend 90 days.
Article 71 of the Higher Education Law has 10 specific provisions on violations of higher education law, of which Clauses 8 and 9 establish: (8) Loss of funds and exploitation of operations. college education to raise money against regulations or for self-interest; (9) Causing damage to the facilities of the institution of higher education. |