The two-hour state-by-state debate on this opposition began before both houses voted.
In front of the Parliament building in Washington, thousands of supporters of current President Donald Trump marched.
“I’m here to support President Trump,” Mr. David Wideman, a 45-year-old firefighter from Memphis, Tennessee, told the AP news agency.
However, Wideman admits he is “confused” by the series of failures by President Trump’s legal team to reverse the election results. “I’m not sure what President Trump can do now, but I want to hear him speak,” Wideman added.
Before the congressional session to count the electoral votes on January 6 (local time), the head of the White House through Twitter expressed his support for the crowd of protesters: “Washington is flooded that they do not want to see the elections stolen by radical left-wing democrats. Our people have suffered enough already, they will not tolerate any more! We listen to you (and we love you) from the Oval Office. Bringing back Great America. ”
On the eve of the aforementioned session, President Trump continued via Twitter to pressure Vice President Mike Pence to act on his behalf, reversing the victory of President-elect Joe Biden. “If Vice President Pence fights for us, we will win another presidential term,” Trump said. However, Pence does not have the authority to comply with President Trump’s request.
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