As of today, 3 independent houses are exempt from construction | Urban


Specifically, Article 89 of the Construction Law of 2014 is amended and complemented by Clause 30, Article 1 of the Revised Construction Law 2020 stipulates three cases in which detached houses are exempt from construction permits (GPXD) of as follows:

Detached houses with the scale of less than seven floors in urban area construction investment projects or housing construction investment projects with detailed planning 1/500 already approved by competent state agencies;

Detached houses in rural areas less than seven stories in size and in an area where there is no urban planning, functional area construction plans, or detailed construction plans of rural population neighborhoods that have been obtained by state agencies. approved by the competent authorities;

Detached houses in mountainous and island areas without urban planning or construction planning for functional areas; except works, independent houses built in conservation areas, historical-cultural relics.

In addition, other cases are exempt from construction permits from 1-1-2021 as follows:

Secret works of state; Urgent construction works.

Construction works investment projects using public investment capital by the Prime Minister, heads of central agencies of political organizations, Supreme People’s Court, Supreme People’s Court, State Audit, Office of the President of the State, The Office of the Assembly National, ministries, agencies at ministerial level, government agencies, central agencies of the Front of the Vietnamese Homeland and socio-political organizations, the presidents of the Popular Committees at all levels make investment decisions.

Temporary construction works provided for in article 131 of this Law.

Internal repair or renovation works or exterior repair or renovation works not adjacent to urban roads that require architectural management in accordance with the regulations of the competent state agencies; the content of the repair and renovation does not change the usability, does not affect the safety of the load-bearing structures of the works, in accordance with the construction planning approved by the competent state agencies, environmental protection and safety requirements for prevention and fight against fires and explosions.

Advertising works are not required to obtain a construction license in accordance with the advertising law; The passive telecommunications technical infrastructure operates in accordance with government regulations.

Works built in two or more provinces, works built on lines outside urban centers in accordance with construction plans or technical and specialized plans approved by the competent state agencies. .

The construction works have been notified of the results of the construction design evaluation by specialized construction agencies to implement after the basic design, eligible for the construction design approval and meet the conditions for the concession of building permits in accordance with regulations. this law;

Investors in construction of works specified in points b, e, g, h and i of this clause, except for detached houses specified in point i of this clause, must send notices at the time of the start of construction, attached in agreement with construction design records in accordance with local state management agency regulations on construction for management.
