On December 24, the Ho Chi Minh City police said they were coordinating with the Tan Phu district police to verify the cause of death of the 4-year-old HKK boy, who lives in Phu Thanh neighborhood, Tan Phu district).
According to preliminary information, this child suffered from hydrocephalus encephalopathy, heart disease from a young age, and was lying in bed. The authorities are awaiting the results of the forensic examination and the boy’s family has buried him.
The house (in the middle) where the baby lives
Baby K. lived with her grandfather in a house on Pham Van Xao Street, Phu Thanh district, less than 2 meters wide and divided into a mezzanine above. Mother K. was not in the town, so seeing the unfortunate situation, her mother’s friend came to take care of the baby.
The young grandfather K. rides motorcycle taxi. At the time of the incident, people said it was unclear whether K was abused or not.
Before that, on December 22, Children’s Hospital 1 received K in a state of cardiac arrest, apnea, severe pulmonary edema, multiple injuries, soft wound, suspected violence.
Although doctors attempted a heart attack, resuscitation, and aggressive treatment, baby K. died. After that, the hospital invited the police to examine and investigate the boy’s death. However, through the results of the initial investigation, this child died of an illness.