On the afternoon of December 24, the police force of the Gia Nghia City Police, Dak Nong Province, forced drivers to place the car on the scale to check the load after more than 10 hours of stopping the vehicle to verify.

The driver overloaded the “test liver” with the traffic police for more than 10 hours.
The traffic police, in turn, asked the truck drivers to bring to the Supervisory Board: 98C-154.22 and 98C-031.91 (each with the Xuan Truong logo) to place the truck on the loading scale.
Upon inspection, the truck carrying BKS 98C-154.22 was overloaded by 37.47%. At this time, the driver was unable to present the driver’s license and related documents, so the task force made a violation record and temporarily impounded the vehicle in accordance with regulations.
For trucks carrying BKS: 98C-031.91, the weighing results show that the transport overload is 71.82%. The task force also made a record of the temporary stop of vehicles for the previous infraction history with the error of not obeying the order to review the load.

The truck carrying BKS: 98C-154.22 overloaded more than 37%
Earlier, at noon on the same day, the Gia Nghia city police also asked the driver of the vehicle with IC: 48C-062.08 (with the Dung Hoa logo) to check the load and this vehicle had more than 43 % overload. This is a car that is allowed to stop to check the load at the same time as the previous two cars, but suddenly cannot start the engine. Once the vehicle has been repaired, the traffic police can check the cargo.
According to the Gia Nghia city police team, around 1:00 am on the same day, the team’s team is responsible for handling overloaded vehicles in the area. On heading to Highway 23/3 (located in the Nghia Duc neighborhood, Gia Nghia town), the task force discovered that the 3 above vehicles were showing signs of loading violation, so they were instructed to stop to check.

The truck carrying BKS: 98C-031.91 overloaded by 71.82%
However, the two drivers of Xuan Truong did not obey the weight of the task force. Although these vehicles had to stop the inspection from dawn, it was not until 1:00 p.m. on the same day that the functional forces could weigh.