On the morning of December 24, information from the Tuyen Quang province police said that this agency had just issued a decision to prosecute the case and prosecute the defendants against Phung Xuan T. (15 years old, resident in the Tho Binh Commune, H. Lam Binh District, Tuyen Quang) to clarify the behavior “raping persons under the age of 16”.
According to research documents, from mid-2019 to the end of 2020, taking advantage of relatives, young victims do not know how to protect themselves and have no resistance, T. having sex with La Thi Thanh M. (8 years old) and Dang Thuy L. (6 years old), who reside in H. Lam Binh.
Tuyen Quang province police said that in 2020, the agency processed 6 cases and 6 accused of rape against persons under the age of 16. Most of the defendants took advantage of their ignorance and lack of self-defense capacity to commit criminal acts; then threaten to harm anyone or to seduce or bribe with material benefits of very little value in order to hide the behavior.
The Tuyen Quang Province Police recommend that parents coordinate with the school to manage, educate, create awareness, skills, and a sense of protection against “love of green beards.”