On December 11, the Osaka City Minato Police Department received a call from an elderly woman who was unable to reach her sister. Officers rushed to the apartment, where the woman’s sister lived with her daughter. There they found two corpses of women.
According to the initial examination, the 68-year-old woman and her 42-year-old daughter had been dead for several months. Both were found to be malnourished and their stomachs were completely empty. It is believed that the mother’s body weighed only about 30 kg. On closer inspection, the researchers found that there was no food left in the refrigerator, while the gas and water had also been turned off. Furthermore, the victim’s wallet cost only 13 yen (almost 3,000 VND). Both have been starving for months and no one notices their absence.
Apartment in the Minato area, Osaka, where the bodies of the dead are discovered
“We didn’t even find spices like miso in the apartment.”a researcher told the sheet Mainichi Shimbun.
Neighbors said the mother had moved into the home since 1976 with her family. After that, he got married and left, but he returned to this place with a daughter. The mother and daughter have been living here for 10 years after the other older members passed away.
The mother and daughter often go to the supermarket together. They are not close to many people in the area. The mother has also been chosen as the head of the ward and is actively involved. “He behaves very well and has never slandered anyone.” – said neighbors. In addition, this person also revealed that the mother often walks to the supermarket even though it is far from a train stop.
The apartment building where 2 bodies were found
However, at the beginning of this year, when the daughter began to leave her job, the economic situation of mother and daughter did not seem to be very abundant. They once shared that they were struggling and that they had to live on allowances from their relatives.
The mother and daughter stopped paying the water bill, so the water utility was forced to cut the service in mid-November. According to Osaka officials, neither mother nor daughter applied for or received social benefits. with your circumstances unknown to the local welfare office.
The death of mother and son is really shocking for many locals. An acquaintance said: “Both mother and daughter are always well dressed and it doesn’t seem like they’re in trouble. Why is it so superficial?”
The most recent cases of deaths together at home have raised concerns about the connection between people and communities in Japan.
Meanwhile, another who lives in the same building commented: “The links between people and local communities are diminishing in recent times. It is really sad that this has happened again.”
In recent years, there has been a growing trend in cases of people dying together indoors. In a survey sheet Mainichi ShimbunA total of 538 people found themselves in the same situation from 2017 to 2019 in 23 areas of the capital Tokyo and the entire city of Osaka. Furthermore, people also found many cases where both parents and children died together or as a couple. This raises concerns about people gradually isolating themselves from the community and exposes gaps in the social protection system in Japan.
Theo Mainichi Shimbun, SCMP