Recently, the alleged status of Cat Phuong sent to the male gymnast insulted the late NS Chi Tai, causing a stir throughout the social network. Specifically, many netizens passed a screenshot of an article with the content to remind the male gymnast posted by an acclaimed green account named Cat Phuong. The words in this post are quite sensitive, somewhat vulgar, intended to criticize the actions of the male gymnast.
Netizens were confused, most of them did not support this action. Amid being mentioned in many forums and social media sites, Cat Phuong has officially corrected the noise above. Specifically, in response to comment from an audience, Cat Phuong said: “After the status you posted, sorry, Mr. Viet. Not at all, you will not post any more statuses. Believe it or not, it’s up to you. But I don’t understand why this status is there and the page has a green check from me. the unfair to you. ” The public believes that this may just be a collage of an antifan to smear the honor of Cat Phuong. However, at present, Cat Phuong has also deleted the previous comment.
The social network issued a status line remembering the male gymnast posted by the green area account called Cat Phuong.
Cat Phuong spoke after that.
In recent days, the controversy over Cat Phuong’s speech related to the case of the male gymnast insulted the late NS Chi Tai, prompting netizens to pay attention.
Before that, he had to apologize to NS Viet Anh for the article that reflected the teachings of the male artist.
Photo: Collectibles, Facebook character