As of 1/1/2021, the husband’s salary can be transferred directly to the wife’s account.


Consequently, article 94 of the Labor Code 2019 states: The employer must pay the employee directly, in full and on time. When the employee cannot receive the salary directly, the employer can pay the salary to the person legally authorized by the employee. This content was not previously regulated in the Labor Code of 2012.

Therefore, according to the above provisions, the wife can be legally authorized to receive the husband’s salary and the husband’s salary can be transferred directly to the wife’s account.

In order for the husband’s salary to be transferred directly to the wife’s account, the following conditions must be met: the husband (the employee) cannot receive the salary directly; Wife is a person legally authorized by her husband; The husband records the wife’s account number to receive the salary. This authorization can be notified in writing or sent by email to the employer.

Furthermore, article 94 of the Labor Code of 2019 also stipulates that: The employer must not limit or interfere with the employee’s right to self-determination to spend wages; Do not force employees to spend their wages on the purchase of goods or services from the employer or other units designated by the employer.

Regarding the form of payment of the salary, if in the past, the Labor Code of 2012 stipulates that when paying the salary through the account, the employer and the employee agree on the fees related to the opening and maintenance of accounts. Article 96 of the 2019 Labor Code clearly states: The employer and the employee agree on the form of payment for time, product or contract. And the salary is paid in cash or through the employee’s personal account opened at the bank. In case the salary is paid through the personal account of the employee opened in the bank, the employer must pay all the fees related to the opening of the account and the sending of salary.
