Elections in America: Are Suspicious Errors Appearing in the State of Michigan?


The report was prepared by a team of experts in defense, military, secret services and intelligence. Notably, the Dominion Company voting system in County Antrim “almost failed the voting test.”

The system was found to be “intentionally designed to create fraud on the part of the system, affecting election results.”

“The system intentionally generates a lot of errors on the ballots. Then the electronic ballots are changed. Deliberate errors lead to a batch of ballots being processed unsupervised, unsupervised. It is transparent and has no trace counts. This is leads to voter fraud or electoral fraud, “the report wrote.

Michigan's Antrim County had a voting error of more than 68% - Photo 1.

The report may not give President Donald Trump another four-year term in the White House because Antrim is a small county after all. Photo: The Detroit News

County Antrim votes should not have been witnessed, the report’s authors added. “The error rate is 68.05%, far exceeding the allowed electoral error rate of 0.0008% or 1 / 250,000 votes”: the report gave a “shocking” figure. Another thing is that Antrim County and Michigan state officials “don’t want to reveal information about the voting device” for analysts to consider.

The Detroit Free Press reported that Judge Kevin Elsenheimer had requested to capture voting statistics from the Dominion Company voting system with related software after Antrim County resident William Baileyer filed a lawsuit over the equipment. have a problem with a choice

The latest report above may not help President Donald Trump get another four-year term in the White House because Antrim is only a small county after all.

Michigan Secretary General Erik Grill said the report’s findings were “inaccurate, incomplete and misleading.”

Michigan's Antrim County had a voting error of more than 68% - Photo 2.

President Trump lost the Wisconsin lawsuit again. Photo: Reuters

Meanwhile, the Wisconsin Supreme Court on December 14 threw out President Trump’s case to reverse the results in this battlefield state. The legal challenge closes about an hour before the electoral college meets to vote for Joe Biden’s 10 state votes, according to AP.

The justices said 3 out of 4 of President Trump’s requests were submitted too late, while the other “made no sense.” The lawsuit proposed eliminating more than 221,000 votes in Dane and Milwaukee counties, although President Trump lost to Biden with just 21,000 votes statewide, a difference of 0.6 percent.
