Using a cane to threaten to hit the person to avoid impact, the young man was hit and bruised by the fins.


With sticks, they threaten to hit people to discourage them after impact.

A young man with a stick threatens to hit whoever dissuades after a traffic conflict.

The incident occurred around 5:00 p.m. on December 13 on NH1, a section that passes through the Binh Hung Hoa B neighborhood, Binh Tan district, Ho Chi Minh city.

Some witnesses said that at the time, a young man was riding a BKS 65H1 – 058xx motorcycle carrying another person on National Highway 1 heading from the An Suong intersection to the An Lac turn.

Young people are chased and beaten by people after threatening to beat them with sticks. By: Thuy Vy.

Upon reaching the intersection of NH1 – Tan Ky Tan Quy, Binh Hung Hoa B Ward, Binh District, a collision with a motorcycle controlled by a man.

The collision was mild, but there was a conflict between the two parties that led to an argument. Many people who discovered the incident were quick to discourage them.

With sticks, they threaten to hit people to discourage them after impact.

The youths were hunted and fled.

At this moment, the young man drew a metal stick on his body, threatening to hit anyone who dared to prevent him from resolving the conflicts.

Frustrated by the above action, many people became angry, hitting bags of dust and the youth were forced to flee, causing riots throughout the area.

At the scene, many people were present, monitoring the incident that made traffic difficult in the area. Functional forces were present to restore order to the area.
