Looking up at the sky right now, you will see the most beautiful and “reliable” meteor shower in 2020


Temporarily ignore all the chaos in life, let’s look at the sky tonight. Per page Earthsky then On the night of the 13th, the morning of December 14th will be the time of the Geminid meteor shower (the Gemini meteor shower), the most beautiful meteor shower of the year.

In fact, Geminid has always been a very “reputable” meteor shower in terms of annual viewing that’s worth it, and it’s usually best at 2am. In particular, this year the event also takes place at a time when the moon is not full, which means that nothing can stop you from enjoying it.

Looking up at the sky right now, you will see the most beautiful and reliable meteor shower of 2020 - Photo 1.

Geminid is known to be different from normal meteor showers. It is not derived from the comet’s tail, but is the remnant of an asteroid called 3200 Phaethon, which orbits the Sun on a 1.4-year cycle.

The last months of the year usually have periodic meteor showers, including the Geminids. Unlike most meteor showers that originate from comets, the Geminids are remnants of debris from asteroid 3200 Phaethon. This asteroid orbits the Sun on a 1.4-year cycle.

With the favorable weather at the end of the year, you can see around 50 Star Trails per hour from Geminid. But only tonight, the peak of this meteor shower, the number of tracks can reach 150.

Looking up at the sky right now, you will see the most beautiful and reliable meteor shower of 2020 - Photo 2.

Best time: 2 a. M.

This is because that is when the flash point of the meteor shower is highest in the sky. Logically: standing from below, this meteor shower will come from the constellation of Gemini. And when this constellation is at its highest, it’s also time to see more meteor trails.

To observe, determine the position of the constellation Gemini in the sky. This constellation grows in the east, gradually shifting west over time.

In December, another meteor shower will peak. It was the Ursid meteor shower, which fell on the night of December 22, the morning of December 23.

Source: Earth Sky

Looking up at the sky right now, you will see the most beautiful and reliable meteor shower of 2020 - Photo 3.
