US Senate Passed Defense Bill Putting Trump in a Dilemma


The United States Senate passed a defense bill that put Mr. Trump in a dilemma - Photo 1.

The United States Senate Military Commission debates the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) 2021 – Photo: SASC

On December 11, the US Senate passed the Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), a $ 740 billion defense budget bill for the US Department of Defense. Fiscal year 2021. Before that, Trump threatened to stop this measure before leaving office.

The United States Senate, now controlled by the Republican Party, passed the bill with 84-13, or two-thirds more favorable votes than needed in the United States Senate to pass the government. President Trump’s decision.

“This is great news for our soldiers and the security of our nation. I hope it becomes law by the end of this year … Take action to make our country safer and help soldiers do so. Mission to protect the country “- The president of the United States Senate Military Commission, James Inhofe, evaluated the approval of the bill.

President Trump will have 10 days (except Sundays) to veto, sign, or allow the bill to become law without his signature.

The AFP news agency assessed that the NDAA will put President Trump in a difficult position on many fronts. The law requires the US president to impose sanctions on Turkey within 30 days for Ankara’s purchase of the Russian S-400 missile defense system, although Trump has opposed such sanctions against Turkey. Turkey and President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of this country.

“It is unacceptable that a North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) ally like Turkey decides to buy and test Russia’s S-400 missile defense system” – Chairman of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Jim Risch commented.

Earlier this week, the US House of Representatives passed the NDAA with a number of positive and negative votes of 335 to 78, also more than 2/3. With the passage of the new United States Senate, the bill will be brought to Trump’s desk just weeks before the end of his four-year term.

Proponents of the bill hope that strong bipartisan support will lead Trump to reconsider his threat of a veto, according to Reuters. The NDAA bills became law for 59 consecutive years.
