The man has his skull held by an elevator


On December 10, Dr. Le Ngoc Dung, Deputy Director of Bai Chay Hospital (Quang Ninh Province), said that hospital doctors and doctors had just ignored administrative procedures, triggered the internal red alarm. saving the life of a 36-year-old male patient while working lift attached to the head breaks the skull.

That patient Le Duc B. (residing in the Bai Chay ward, Ha Long city) was hospitalized in a coma, losing a lot of blood, a broken skull and a complicated scalp.

The man whose skull was held by an elevator - Photo 1.

Smart operating room at Bai Chay Hospital

Immediately after being admitted to the hospital, the Bai Chay Hospital emergency team carried out active shock resuscitation by controlling bleeding, administering oxygen, reducing pain and blood transfusion, and being able to quickly perform necessary tests. Needed for emergency surgery.

Commenting that this is a critical case of traumatic brain injury, the risk of death is high, doctors have ignored administrative procedures to direct patients to smart operating rooms. The hospital red alert was initiated, mobilizing the coordination of doctors from the Specialties of Surgery – Resuscitation anesthesia – Hematology and biochemistry to coordinate resuscitation surgery and emergency treatment.

In the smart operating room, the patient has just had a 32-row computed tomography (CT) and the navigation system to accurately diagnose the head injury has just performed emergency surgery.

The man whose skull was grabbed by an elevator - Photo 2.

Hospitalized patients with severe traumatic brain injury, complicated scalp – Photo provided by the hospital

The results of the tomography showed that the lesion of the patient’s skull was very heavy, skull broken, torn of the longitudinal sinus segment 10 cm long, severe brain damage, loss of brain organization due to hernia. skull, epidural, subdural, bilateral eyebrow hematoma.

In less than 30 minutes, the patient received first aid, a blood transfusion, and an accurate diagnosis of the condition to perform the surgery.

Doctors quickly operated to treat injuries to the skull and venous sinuses, took the entire brain, the hematoma and performed a brain cleanse. The scalp is sewn and processed. The broken skull is cut out and sent to the tissue bank (skull bone graft surgery will be done 3 months later).

In the entire emergency and surgery process, due to excessive blood loss, the patient receives more than 3,800 ml of blood.

After 5 days of surgery and intensive care, the patient was removed. Currently, the patient is awake, talking, has good contact, is eating well, and can be discharged within the next 3 days.

According to Dr. Nguyen Manh Hung, in charge of the Department of Neurology – Chest, Department of Traumatology-Orthopedics, Bai Chay Hospital, the life of patient B. In addition to being immediately transferred to the emergency room, the decisive factor was the rapid and fluid coordination of all hospital specialties so as not to miss the “golden age” in emergency surgery.
