On the morning of December 7, page SPOTV Singer Chungha reportedly confirmed positive for COVID-19. Specifically, after being in contact with someone infected with COVID-19, Chungha took the test and got a positive result this morning.
The singer is known to be expected to release her first full album. Haunt this december. Currently, all their schedules have been canceled and their return stage will also be delayed. The management company also confirmed that people exposed to Chungha will also be tested.
Most notably, in nFebruary 28 of this year, 2 Chungha employees were confirmed to be infected with the COVID-19 virus after returning from the show at Fashion Week in Milan, Italy. Then the singer received a negative test result. But now, after 10 months, he is back in contact with someone infected with the virus and has received a positive result.
Chungha was born in 1996, is a member of the IOI project group except program Produce 101 before officially debuting as a solo singer. Possessing a good voice and excellent acting, Chungha is the owner of the hit series. I have to go, snap, play …
Currently, COVID-19 is happening very seriously in Korea with a strong spread. Recently, Kpop fans have been extremely concerned when there are 4 infected idols, Bitto, Kogyeol (UP10TION) and Yiren, Sihyeon (EVERGLOW) respectively. A number of artists and staff who have contact with the former idols are also at risk of contracting the COVID-19 infection.
Before Chungha, Bitto, Kogyeol (UP10TION), and Yiren, Sihyeon (EVERGLOW) confirmed positive for COVID-19.
Source: SPOTV News