Initially, the incident is said to have taken place in Trang Bom (Dong Nai) district. All the captured vehicles were motorized tricycles.
The content of the clip shows when he is arrested by the traffic police: neatly, most drivers ask to “make a phone call”. There is a driver who does not need to ask to call, but says “the car I sent” directly.
According to the content of the clip, after calling someone, the tricycle driver handed the phone over to the traffic police – listen in order, by exchanging a few sentences, the traffic police – order “clearly” loud “and say to the driver to “go.” While waiting for someone’s phone, a tricycle driver hung up the phone and told the traffic police that “the car is sent both ways for a month and costs a million dong”.
It is unclear when the above clips were taken at the time, if it is from the traffic police and the Trang Bom order police group is on duty or not. Tomorrow 5.12, talk to PV YouthA police officer from Dong Nai Province said that the provincial police director’s board had understood the case and led the verification and clarification of the content of the above clip.