Saturday, December 5, 2020, 12:25 pm (GMT + 7)
Angry at being forced to drink 40 glasses of wine before he could pick up the bride, a groom in China threw the wedding bouquet on the ground and turned around.
The incident occurred on December 1 in Guizhou province, China.
The recorded image shows an elegant groom holding a bridal bouquet with the groomsmen and family standing in front of the bride’s home to pick up the bride.
At this time, the girl’s family has lined up 2 rows of long blue plastic chairs in front of the door, with two glasses of white wine on top. The groom was asked to drink all 40 glasses of wine before he was allowed to pick up the bride.
Due to the low drinking capacity, the groom explained, hoping that the bride’s family would sympathize and let me pick up the bride on time. However, no one accepts the girl’s family. Even the bride does not support the groom with a sentence.
After 20 minutes of fruitless negotiation, the groom angrily threw the wedding flower on the ground and yelled, “No more married.” After saying that, the groom turned to leave.
The groom threw the wedding flower to the ground in anger.
The next development of the incident is unknown, but just after the clip was posted, most of the comments criticized the girl’s family for overpressure. Others suspect that the wine is not really true, sometimes the bride’s family just shows up to taste the groom.
Source: https: //www.nguoiduatin.vn/clip-bi-ep-uong-ruou-moi-duoc-don-dau-chu-re-nem-hoa-cuoi-roi-bo-di-a …
72 million dong of wedding challenge equals 72 kg of the bride’s weight, which leaves the whole family dumbfounded.