Why was Mr. Nguyen Duc Chung’s case secretly tried? | News


On November 30, the Hanoi People’s Court issued a judicial decision against the accused Nguyen Duc Chung (53 years old, former chairman of the Hanoi People’s Committee), Pham Quang Dung (37 years old, former police officer), Nguyen Hoang Trung ( 37 years old, former specialist of the Editorial Secretariat, Office of the Hanoi People’s Committee) and Nguyen Anh Ngoc (46 years old, former Deputy Chief of the Editorial Secretariat, Office of the Hanoi People’s Committee) for crimes of appropriation of secret State documents, defined in the Article 337 of the Penal Code.

According to the decision of the Hanoi People’s Court, the trial will open at 8:00 am on December 11. The presiding judge is Mr. Truong Viet Toan, Vice President of the Hanoi People’s Court. There are 7 lawyers involved in the defense of 4 defendants and Mr. Nguyen Duc Chung has 5 defense lawyers.

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According to the decision of the Hanoi People’s Court, the case of Mr. Nguyen Duc Chung and his accomplices who misappropriated state secret documents will be tried in secret. In this trial, only the Panel, the prosecutor, the court clerk, the defendants, the litigants, and the participants in the process are summoned by the Panel if necessary. On the left, no one else can remain in the courtroom to monitor the progress of the trial, including journalists or relatives of defendants or litigants.
Reply Youth On the afternoon of November 30, the head of the Hanoi People’s Court said that even though the trial was closed, the press still attended to report on the sentence. He also said that the secret trial decision is based on the law without further explanation.

Meanwhile, some legal experts said that this case belonged to a special case, because it was related to secret state documents, the Hanoi People’s Court decided to have a closed-door trial. Article 25 of the 2015 Criminal Procedure Law establishes: “The Court conducts a public trial, everyone has the right to attend the trial, except in the case specified by this law. In special cases where it is necessary to keep state secrets, pure national customs, protect persons under 18 years of age or maintain private life at the legitimate request of the parties involved, the court may hold a trial behind closed doors but must be publicly condemned ”.

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