Recently, Dong Nhi unexpectedly shared on his personal page the photo of baby Winnie (real name Ong Yen Nhi), his first daughter and Mr. Cao Thang. Today (November 26) is also the day that Winnie turns 1 month, so the singer decided to make her face known.
His wife, Mr. Cao Thang, shared: “Winnie for a month hello everyone. Today is a full day so my mother muttered a colored bow to me.
I just finished my mother and was about to sleep, when my mother grabbed a plate like this to commemorate it. The children and the father are often drowned by the mother, the aunt. “
This is Dong Nhi’s first time posting a close-up photo of Ong Yen Nhi. The singer’s girl was praised by the online community for being extremely cute. He also received many great wishes to eat fast, the future will be beautiful and talented.
Not long ago, his parents also picked up Mr. Yen Nhi to go out with their friends. Dong Nhi’s Little Princess and Mr. Cao Thang received a lot of attention from fans, as well as many Vbiz artists. Sharing about Dong Nhi’s daughter always attracts big likes and falls on social media.