Intellectual people
The joke of the President of the United States, Donald Trump, during the 2018 Thanksgiving Day, held at the White House, was suddenly shared by netizens.
In November 2018, United States President Donald Trump appeared at Turkey’s amnesty, a traditional annual ceremony held at the White House on Thanksgiving. Two years later, his joke from the event was suddenly shared again.
Before clemency takes place, the White House generally chooses 2 turkeys and publishes photos of them to urge people to vote for the president of the United States’ clemency. The selected chicken will participate in the event in the Rose Garden with the president, while the other is also saved and brought to a display in Virginia for visitors. During Thanksgiving, the day Americans often kill turkeys to celebrate, 2 chickens are chosen as “America’s Luckiest.”
In 2018, two chickens Carrots and Peas participated in the vote and Peas won. During the parole ceremony, Trump complained about the “stubborn” carrot of not accepting defeat.
“This is a fair vote. Unfortunately, Carrots refused to budge and demanded a recount. I’ll tell you, we’ve come to the conclusion. Carrots, I’m sorry, but the result won’t change, ”Trump said.
The video that records this speech has become a hot topic on social networks these days with more than a million visits. Some people said that Trump’s joke two years ago was “loaded” on him, when the 45th president of the United States is experiencing an almost similar scenario.
Currently, Trump refuses to lose to his rival Joe Biden, who the US media predicts will become “president-elect” according to a calculation model. Trump accused the election of fraud and decided to take legal action to reverse the results, although there is no concrete evidence.
However, in the latest development, Trump has a “green light” for officials under his command to begin the process of transferring power to Biden’s group. However, Trump declared that the post-election war has not stopped and that he will never give in to fraud.
Lord emperor
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