The car then hit a green tree stump on the sidewalk and hurtled toward a house on the side of the road before stopping.
Receive the news, District 12 police arrived at the scene to regulate traffic and handle the accident. The incident occurred at the end of the range, causing long congestion on Nguyen Anh Thu Street.
A witness said that at the time of the accident, she and her son were inside when they heard a loud noise coming from outside, causing them to panic and run towards the house.
“At that moment, I heard people yelling and I heard loud noises, so I ran inside. After that, the car broke the glass door of the house, fortunately my son and I were only slightly scratched by the glass splashes, “said the witness.
The functional forces also sent people to cut down the broken tree to separate the flow of traffic, and at the same time brought the ambulance to the scene to attend to the incident. Around 6:30 p.m. on the same day, the accident site was handled.
The authorities are clarifying the cause of the motorcycle accident on Nguyen Anh Thu Street.