An American soldier committed suicide because a colleague was gang-raped


On November 18, CBS News aired part of a year-and-a-half investigation into the status of sexual assault in the US military.As a result, they found that military commanders were not fully handling this issue.

During the investigation, CBS News investigators spoke with more than 20 surviving victims who reported working on the “Military Sexual Assault Prevention and Response” program with their families. of suicide victims.

Ms. Debbie Robinson, Morgan’s mother, shared her daughter’s heartbreaking story with CBS News: “When she was 21, she told me she wanted to join the military. Serving in the US Army National Guard. After 6 years, she was sent to Kuwait in 2016. Here, my daughter was sexually assaulted and constantly harassed by a superior. She complained about the case but no one solved it. I went to Afghanistan and was sexually assaulted again. Many of my teammates raped collectively my daughter. “

A female American soldier committed suicide because her colleague raped her - Photo 1.
American soldier committed suicide because her colleague raped her - Photo 2.

Debbie Robinson (pictured below) and her daughter. Photo: CBS News, Director

According to Debbie, Morgan proved to be very scared because of the people involved in the threats. In April 2018, then-US Secretary of Defense James Mattis declared zero tolerance for sexual assault in the military.

According to CBS, four months later Morgan committed suicide and the US Army opened an investigation. They gave Debbie a copy of the AR 15-6 investigation into Morgan’s death, but it was edited.

The investigation concluded: “Sergeant Robinson suffered sexual, physical and psychological trauma while on duty. The aftermath of these injuries was a factor that led to her death.” Eight months after Morgan’s death, her commander asked a colleague to sexually assault her in Kuwait … to write a report.

The US Army rejected CBS News’ request for an on-camera interview. This force said they “carried out a full investigation and appropriate action against the perpetrator.”

An American soldier committed suicide because her colleague raped her - Photo 3.
A female American soldier committed suicide because her colleague raped her - Photo 4.

Morgan in the military. Photo: GDCC

Pham nghia
