The Ministry of Education and Training proposes to maintain the current enrollment for the 2021-2022 academic year | Education


“Due to the effect of the Decree on the cost of tuition end of this school year “

Social public opinion is becoming “hot” around the proposal of the Ministry of Education and Training to increase enrollment rates at all levels, speaking to the press, Mr. Pham Ngoc Thuong, Deputy Minister of Education and Training, explained the development of a draft Decree “Mechanism for the collection and management of tuition fees for educational institutions of the national education system and a policy of exemption and reduction of tuition fees, support for learning costs; prices of services in the field of education and training ”, replacing Decree No. 86.

Also according to Mr. Thuong, the tuition and learning cost support policy is being implemented in accordance with Decree No. 86/2015 / ND-CP (dated 2.10.2015) of the Government, which stipulates “Mechanism of collection and management. enrollment rates for educational institutions of the national educational system and policy of exemption and reduction of enrollment, and support for learning rates from the 2015-2016 school year to the 2020-2021 school year ”.

“Given that Decree 86 is only in effect until the end of the 2020-2021 school year, in order to have a legal basis for education and training institutions to implement it from the 2021 – 2022 school year and the following years, it is necessary to build an alternative decree, “said Vice Minister Thuong.

Additionally, current enrollment regulations have changed. From December 31, 2016 and before, tuition fees were on the “fees” list, so tuition fees were still low, the state budget was still supported to offset the training costs of educational institutions public. However, the Fees and Charges Act of 2015 (effective January 1, 2017) has removed tuition fees from the list of “fees” to be implemented under the “pricing” mechanism. In accordance with the provisions of the 2012 Price Law, education and training services are on the State’s appraisal list, the Government will set the prices of education and training services in accordance with specialized law.

According to Mr. Thuong, the 2019 Education Law also stipulates: tuition is an amount that students must pay to pay for part or all of the cost of education and training services; The Government prescribes the mechanism for the collection and management of tuition fees. Therefore, the current nature of tuition fees is the price of educational services and is subject to the government-guided pricing mechanism.

In the implementation of the 2020 Work Program of the Government and the Prime Minister, the Ministry of Education and Training is assigned to assume the main responsibility and coordinate with the relevant ministries, branches and agencies in the formulation of a Decree that replaces Decree No. 86. The deadline for submitting a draft decree to the Government to replace the planned Decree n. 86 is December 2020. The Ministry of Education and Training has drawn up and is collecting comments from ministries, branches, localities, education and training establishments and from the whole of society to finalize the draft decree.
Currently, the draft decree has been published on the Government’s website for public opinion. The Ministry of Education and Training has fully synthesized the results of the reports from 22/22 ministries, branches and 63/63 localities and experts to finalize the draft. The Ministry of Education and Training has also conducted a cost survey on the basis of economic and technical standards in the field of education and training from preschool to university, as a basis for proposing tuition fees for the next stage. according to the.

Delay the time to send the new decree until 2021

Mr. Pham Ngoc Thuong stated: “The preparation of a draft decree to replace Decree 86 is essential to guarantee the continuity of the law. The process of preparing and proposing to increase tuition fees has been achieved. Based on calculations In plan and rational foundations “.

However, Mr. Thuong said that, at present, the Covid-19 epidemic is still getting very complicated, at the same time that our country has just experienced many severe storms and floods, leaving serious consequences and influences. huge income of people. Before public reflection when the Ministry of Education and Training requested comments on the draft decree, to share and reduce the financial burden for parents and students, the Ministry of Education and Training issued a written report to the Government and propose consideration and authorization for extend the application period of Decree No. 86 for the academic year 2021 – 2022 with the tuition rates for higher education and vocational education applied in accordance with the tuition rates for the academic year 2020-2021. It is regulated in Decree 86.
Tuition fees for preschool and secondary school are applied in accordance with the 2020-2021 school year framework and continue to be assigned by the provincial People’s Council based on the actual situation in the locality for consideration and approval. Policies for exemptions and reductions of tuition fees, support for study costs and other regulations are still implemented in accordance with Decree No. 86 and other related documents.

At the same time, the Ministry of Education and Training is allowed to delay the presentation of the Decree until 2021 in order to have the conditions to widely receive the opinions of the whole of society and continue to improve the draft decree.

Mr. Pham Ngoc Thuong stated: “Therefore, the 2020-2021 school year is currently applying the tuition fees specified in Decree No. 86. If the proposal of the Ministry of Education and Training to delay the submission time for the promulgation of the Decree If the plan is to replace approved by the Prime Minister, the new decree will be applied in the next 2 years (from the 2022-2023 school year) and the annual increase schedule is only about 2.5% / year compared with the annual increase of Decree No. 86 issued “.
