Pennsylvania judge ruled in favor of Trump, dismissing minister’s ‘order’


The Pennsylvania judge ruled in favor of Trump, rejecting an order for a minister - Photo 1.

A supporter of President Donald Trump in Pennsylvania – Photo: REUTERS

Votes at risk do not count as those with additional voter identification information after 9/11.

In a ruling published Nov. 12, Judge Mary Hannah Leavitt, as president of the “Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court,” asked the Pennsylvania County Elections Committee not to count the aforementioned ballots. . Previously, in a November 5 ruling, the court ordered these ballots to be segregated until it decided what to do next.

Under Pennsylvania law, voters have a maximum of 6 days after the election to add or correct their voter identification evidence. As this year’s elections fall on November 3, the deadline to complete these modifications is November 9.

However, after the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled that mailed ballots could be accepted three days after Election Day (November 6), Kathy Boockvar – a senior Pennsylvania official – issued guidance, extending the time to receive voter identification information is November 12. This guide is published only 2 days before Election Day.

“Defendant Kathy Boockvar, as Minister of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, was not competent enough to issue guidance on November 1, 2020,” Judge Leavitt said on November 12. On that basis, Judge Leavitt asked the Pennsylvania County Elections Committee not to count the separate ballots based on the Nov.5 court ruling.

Fox News commented that the 12-11 ruling was in favor of the Trump campaign, although it is unclear whether it will change the results in Pennsylvania. Lawyers for Trump’s campaign argued that state law enforcement officials do not have the right to unilaterally extend the date for adding voter identification information.

This is just one of many demands that the Trump campaign is pursuing in Pennsylvania. On November 13 (US time), there is expected to be a court hearing on Trump’s campaign allegations, which have counted thousands of votes in Pennsylvania despite a lack of voter identification information. .

In other related developments, Pennsylvania officials asked a federal judge to dismiss the Trump campaign’s petition to prevent the state from confirming the election results.

“The lawsuit is pointless and the fraud allegations are unfounded,” Reuters News quoted a lawyer representing a Pennsylvania county as saying.

End all disputes on 8-12?

Pennsylvania, where Biden won at the last minute, is expected to confirm the election results on 23-11.

In accordance with federal regulations, all disputes related to election results in all states must be terminated 6 days prior to the day of the electoral college meeting. The scheduled time for this year’s polling station is December 14, so all demands must be finalized by December 8.

The US media announced on 7-11 that Democratic candidate Joe Biden was president-elect after unofficial results in Pennsylvania showed his victory. With 99% of the votes counted, according to The Hill, the difference between Trump and Biden is currently 49,613 votes.
