Phu Yen: Unusual floods swept through La Hai city | News


On the morning of November 11, the road to Long Thang neighborhood, La Hai City (Dong Xuan District) was flooded with young mud after the abnormal flood receded. The smell of young mud stank and people pumped water to remove them. Objects in the house that had not been moved in time were flooded with flood water and the mud was still stuck.

The people of Phu Yen are haunted by the historic midnight flood flooding the roof.

The people of La Hai have experienced the historic flood of 2009, so they also experience and distrust the floods in the Ky Lo River. But with the flooding that night on November 10, which was abnormally fast and high, it also made it impossible for them to move all household items to safety.

Phu Yen: An unusual flood rushed through the town of La Hai - photo 1

The leaders of Phu Yen Province are going to inspect the flooded area of ​​La Hai City, Dong Xuan District (Phu Yen).

Ms. Trinh Thi Lam Thao from Long Thang Street said: “Around 17:00 on November 10, the water from the Ky Lo River rose very fast. At night, my house is roofless, so I can only run to the high-rise church to stay, and the air conditioner, fan, and television are submerged in flood water. Now they are already damaged ”.

Phu Yen: An unusual flood rushed through the city of La Hai - photo 2

Soldiers help people clean the house.

Under the road there is young mud, in the top of the tree there is garbage, even the stump is stuck to the ceiling. People here claimed that this flood only missed the historic flood in 2009.

Mr. Vo Pham Hung on Long Thang Street said: “The flood came back very quickly, but fortunately at that time the militia brothers came to help, otherwise it would suffer a lot of damage.”

Phu Yen: An unusual flood rushed through the town of La Hai - photo 3

Household items of people in La Hai Town, Dong Xuan District (Phu Yen) are covered in mud after the floods.

Mr. Bui Van Vinh, also in the Long Thang neighborhood, knew that the flooding would cause his house to be deeply submerged in water, so he moved furniture and belongings from his home upstairs. But Mr. Vinh did not expect the floods to be so large and unusually fast.

“I moved like this and the water flooded, so I couldn’t help but know what to do. The damaged household items, now bought back, are likely to cost a few tens of millions, “Vinh said.

Phu Yen: An unusual flood rushed through the town of La Hai - photo 4

People clean up the mud.

The floods too quickly caused people to back off and not keep up with many people with property damage. Mr. Nguyen Huu Tu, Chairman of the Dong Xuan District People’s Committee, said: “The floods are increasing so fast, so people cannot keep up, many of people’s properties are deeply submerged in water. and they have been completely damaged. During this unusual flood, Dong Xuan has lost no lives thanks to the local initiative to relocate people to low-lying areas, but people’s loss of property is not small. “
