The White House released a 234-page document alleging electoral fraud in the US.


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White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany appeared on television and presented 234 pages of documents that she said were evidence of electoral fraud this year.

White House Introduces 234-Page Document Alleging Election Fraud in the United States

White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany and the pamphlet she calls evidence of allegations of election fraud in the US (Image: Fox News)

On November 10, the White House press secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, appeared on the radio. Fox News and published a 234-page document containing an affidavit from the witness that she claimed was evidence of alleged fraud in the November 3 elections.

Additionally, McEnany also listed anomalies believed to have uncovered by US President Donald Trump’s election campaign.

Meanwhile, Republican National Committee Chair Ronna McDaniel also appeared on Fox News and announced that Trump’s side will challenge the election results to the end.

According to McDaniel’s disclosure, Trump has so far received notification of a total of 11,000 suspected voter fraud by witnesses and has collected about 500 witness oaths. They are still in the process of verifying messages.

The White House move comes as Trump refuses to lose to his Democratic rival Joe Biden. On July 11, the US news agency announced that it calculated and predicted Mr. Biden as “president-elect.” Trump denied it, accusing Biden of winning by fraud and promising to wage a legal battle.

Ms. McEnany said that the 234 pages of the document she was holding were collected in Wayne County, Michigan.

“Here are 234 pages of affidavits from real people, real charges with the notary’s signature. In Wayne County, in one batch of ballots, 60% of the ballots were equally signed, 35 had no voter history but were still counting, and 50 were passed back and forth at the counter. One woman said her son had passed away, but she still registered the vote, ”McEnany said.

“This is in a county where our election monitors are harassed, pushed aside,” McEnany said.

The Trump campaign filed a lawsuit in Michigan on November 9 alleging that supervisors weren’t close enough to monitor what happened in accordance with their mission.

The Michigan court side has given no indication of how they handled Trump’s lawsuit, but before that, a lawsuit with similar content was quickly dismissed on November 5 on the grounds that it “didn’t have enough. legal basis or proof ”.

Meanwhile, Ms. McDaniel also accused some of the Detroit-based votes of taking place in the middle of the night that those processes could not be supervised, even though a Michigan judge had previously stated that the charge did not it was. test.

Experts say Trump’s legal moves are difficult to reverse when Biden currently leads Trump by tens of thousands, even hundreds of votes, in battle states and many states have counted close to the vote. accomplished.

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According to the Daily mail
