The news agencies simultaneously named Mr. Joe Biden as president of the United States – Photo: REUTERS
At 7-11 a.m. (Vietnam time), a number of major news agencies announced that Joe Biden was elected the 46th president of the United States. votes: 284-214.
Despite many complaints about voter fraud and legal battles fought by Trump’s election team, the media has named Joe Biden as the new president of the United States.
Joseph R. Biden Jr., 77, is the oldest candidate to be elected to the White House.
Mr. Joe Biden spent 8 years as President Barack Obama’s deputy CEO and victory came in his third election to the most powerful office in the United States.
“The American people have replaced a real estate entrepreneur and reality star with no political experience with someone who has been in politics for almost 50 years and two failed elections,” said The Guardian. .
The participation rate is expected to reach the highest level in history. The divided America has elected a person who promises to rule not as a Democrat but as “President of the United States,” promising to unify four years of turmoil under Trump.
President-elect Joe Biden just said he appreciated the support of the American people. “I am humbled and humbled by the trust that the American people have placed in me and Vice President Harris,” Biden said.
Biden spoke at 10:50 p.m. 6-11 – Photo: Bloomberg
“In the face of unprecedented obstacles, a record number of voters voted. This shows once again that democracy is deeply embedded in the heart of America.”
Biden voiced his call for solidarity in these times of crisis.
“When the campaign is over, it’s time to let go of anger and harsh words and come together as one nation,” Biden said. “We are the United States. There is nothing we cannot do if we do it together.”
Ms. Kamala Harris also has a call for solidarity on Twitter. “This choice means more than Biden or me. It is the soul of America and your willingness to fight for it,” Harris said. “We still have a lot of work ahead of us. Let’s get started.”
Therefore, Ms. Kamala Harris will be the next Vice President of the United States. She was the first woman to hold the position.
Ms. Harris will also be the first black vice president of the United States.
Ms. Harris has been a Senator from California since 2017. She is the daughter of a Jamaican and Indian immigrant. She is also the first Native American and second woman of color in history to serve as a senator.