The last update of the storm in Atsani, the National Center for Meteorological and Hydrological Forecasts, at 13 pm today, November 6, the center of the storm was at about 21.3 degrees north latitude and 120.8 degrees north east longitude, right. in the southern waters of the island of Taiwan. The area near the center of the storm has the strongest wind level 10, equivalent to the wind power of 90-100 km / h, level 12.
At 1:00 p.m. tomorrow morning, 7/11, the center of the storm was at about 22.1 degrees north latitude and 118.2 degrees east longitude, about 230 kilometers southwest of the island of Taiwan. Near the center of the storm, the strongest wind falls to level 8 – level 9, equivalent to a wind force of 60 to 90 km / h, and an impact above level 11.
Also according to the National Center for Hydrometeorological Forecasts, after entering the East Sea, Typhoon No. 11 caused strong winds and high waves, dangerous for ships operating in the East Sea area of the Northeast Sea.
The East Sea and the central region will have a lot of rain and storms next week
According to the National Center for Hydrometeorological Forecasting, in the next 10 days, in addition to Typhoon Atsani, the East Sea and the inland provinces of the Central Coast and the Central Highlands are more likely to experience many types of natural disasters. .
Specifically, around 8.11, the possibility of a tropical depression or storm entering the East Sea is expected to directly affect the sea and the continental coastal provinces of Central and Central South in the period of November 10-11.
Changes in heavy rains, floods, flash floods, and landslides in the central provinces will remain challenging and can be long-lasting depending on the extent of tropical depressions and storm activities.