A screenshot of the Reuters poll results at 4:40 pm on November 5 (Vietnam time) shows that the state of Wisconsin has yet to be highlighted in dark blue.
Amid many American outlets claiming that Democrat Joe Biden had won in Wisconsin and Arizona, Reuters news agency updates on the electoral map do not show that: Biden is only in the lead, not yet. Definitely winning.
Specifically, according to Reuters, with 99% of the votes counted, Trump and Biden are different in support ratings, respectively, 48.8% – 49.4% in Wisconsin. This state is still only highlighted in light blue (that is, the leading Democratic candidate), but is not yet highlighted in dark blue (that is, the Democratic candidate has won).
Also at 5-11, many American media companies, including CNN, NBC, and newspapers New York Times, adjusted the results of the vote count, accordingly, candidate Joe Biden does not count 11 electoral votes from the state of Arizona. As a result, Mr. Biden currently has a total of 253 electoral votes.
In a statement issued Nov. 4, Bill Stepien, President Trump’s campaign manager, said: “There are reports of unusual problems in certain counties in Wisconsin, which have led to” The president (Trump) will almost certainly suggest a recount and We will do it immediately. “
Regarding the above topic, election experts believe that fraud is a very rare problem in US elections.
The Edison Research Foundation said the error between President Trump and Democratic candidate Joe Biden was less than 1 percent, allowing one suggested candidate to count.
In 2016, a count was also conducted in Wisconsin. At the time, Trump won the state in the process of defeating candidate Hillary Clinton.
Arizona Situation with 86% of Votes Counted – Screenshot
In Arizona, updates from the Reuters news agency showed 86% of the votes were counted, of which 50.5% for Joe Biden and 48.1% for Trump. This state is also highlighted in light green by Reuters (democracy is in the lead).
With the elimination of Wisconsin (10 electoral votes) and Arizona (11 electoral votes), the total number of electoral votes that Joe Biden received on the Reuters map was 243 votes. This is in contrast to many other companies, which predicted that Biden would win in both states, garnering 264 electoral votes.
Obviously, the race to enter the White House is not just a Trump-Biden race, but also a media race, with numbers not yet finished.
Unlike Reuters, at the same time, the Fox News radio map shows that Biden won both Wisconsin and Arizona, getting a total of 264 electoral votes, and Trump won 214 electoral votes. the results are almost the same in many newspapers).
The AP news agency, The Guardian newspaper … predicts like Fox News. Meanwhile, CNN said that Biden won in Wisconsin, but not Arizona, so it said that Biden is receiving 253 electoral votes.
ABC News also similarly evaluated CNN.