Mistake in counting votes in Arizona, Trump’s side has a chance to reverse the situation


Error counting votes in Arizona, Trump's side has a chance to change course - Photo 1.

Arizona voters will vote on November 3 – Photo: REUTERS

The New York Times confirmed that an error in the Edison Research data source caused the number of completed votes in Arizona to be 98% when it was actually much lower.

The bug was quickly corrected and numbered in many of the major news reporting tools, according to The Hill. President Trump’s presidential campaign previously reacted to Fox News after he predicted that Biden would win in Arizona.

Democratic candidate Joe Biden leads 4 percentage points in Arizona, the state with 11 electoral votes.

With 84% of the count counted, many supporters of President Trump still do not accept that the state that has continuously voted for the Republic since 2000 has been “dyed green,” the symbolic color of the Democratic Party.

From dawn 5-11 (Vietnam time), Biden has won 51% of the vote compared to President Trump’s 47.6%. More than 2.7 million votes have been counted, and Biden has about 100,000 more votes than Trump.

Error counting votes in Arizona, Trump's side has a chance to change course - Photo 2.

The scenario that Trump won the election even when he lost Arizona to democracy – Source: The Guardian – Vietnameseization: BAO DUY

According to the British Guardian newspaper, Biden is receiving more popular votes than any other presidential candidate in history, not to mention that many votes are still counted.

His current total votes are 69,759,833, topping Barack Obama’s 69,498,516 in 2008 and more than 3.9 million votes Hillary Cliton received in 2016.

President Trump also received 67,160,663 million votes, more than the number of votes he received four years ago and the number of votes for Obama when he was reelected in 2012. This number helps him rank third on the list of candidates. . the president received the most votes in history.

The votes for Biden and Trump are expected to rise further when the vote count is complete.

There are still many states in the vote counting process, including Arizona and states with many electoral votes contested between the following two candidates:


Biden is at the helm, but the possibility of being overtaken by Trump in the state remains great, according to Reuters. With 97% of the expected votes already counted, Biden is just 0.7% ahead of Trump (49.5% vs. 48.8%).


Trump leads the vote in Georgia with 92% of the votes counted. The difference between Trump and his opponent in the state with 16 electoral votes is not great. Some of Georgia’s major counties, which are pro-Democrats, are still counting votes. The state government expects to have results by the end of November 4 (US time), which is the morning of November 5, Vietnam time.


Although candidate Biden is at the helm, the gap with Trump is also very fragile. Wayne County, the largest and most populous county in the state, still has just 76 percent of the vote. Statewide, about 92% of the votes have been counted. The first preliminary results are expected to be available on November 5 (Vietnam time).

Error counting votes in Arizona, Trump's side has the opportunity to change the situation - Photo 3.

The scenario of Mr. Biden becoming president if he wins or loses Pennsylvania battlefield status – Source: The Guardian – Vietnameseization: BAO DUY


Among the states on the battlefield, Pennsylvania has the highest count, with Trump still leading the way. With 79% of the expected votes counted, the percentage of votes Trump received was 53.9% compared to 44.8% for Biden.

Currently, the state still has about 1 million unfinished ballots and more ballots by mail. President Trump has unleashed a conspiracy theory that rigged votes in Pennsylvania and states at risk of losing edge.

North Carolina

Trump maintains a narrow gap with his rival Biden in North Carolina with 94% of the votes counted. Results are expected to take a few days as the deadline for state mail ballot is 12-11.
