
At 4 am 4-11 am, the center of the storm was about 320 km from the Hoang Sa archipelago to the southeast. The strongest wind near the center of a strong storm at level 8 (60-75 km / h), impact level 10. The radius of strong winds from level 6, shaking from level 8 or more to about 140 km from the center of the storm.
The storm is forecast to move in a southwesterly direction over the next 24 hours, about 10 km every hour. At 4:00 am on November 5, the storm’s location is about 230 km east of Quang Ngai to Khanh Hoa. The strongest wind in the area near the center of strong storms is level 8-9 (60-90 km / hour), level 11.
East Sea Storm Hazard Zone in Next 24 Hours (Strong Winds from Level 6 or Higher, Shake Level 8 or Higher): latitude 12.0 to 16.5 degrees north latitude; 116.0 degrees East meridian of west longitude. All vessels operating in the danger zone are at high risk of being hit by strong winds.
Over the next 24 to 48 hours, the storm moved mainly in a southwesterly direction, at around 10 km per hour, weakened into a tropical depression and inland from Quang Ngai to Khanh Hoa.
At 4am, 6-11am, the location of the tropical depression on the mainland from Quang Ngai to Khanh Hoa. The strongest wind in the area near the center of strong tropical low pressure level 6 (40-50 km / hour), level 8.
During the next 48 to 60 hours, the tropical depression moves mainly in a southwesterly direction, every hour is 10 to 15 km, continues inland and weakens in an area of low pressure.
Strong winds at sea: the western sea area of the North Sea and the Middle East (including the waters of the Hoang Sa archipelago) has storms, strong winds of 6-7, the area near the center of the storm passes from level 8 -9, level 11 crash; sea waves 4 to 6 m high; The sea is very strong.
The sea area from Quang Nam to Ninh Thuan (including Ly Son Island district) has gradually strong winds up to level 6, from this afternoon to level 7, the area near the center of storm level 8, level 10, 3-5m high waves, strong sea.
Heavy rains: from tonight 4-11 to 6-11, in Quang Nam, Quang Ngai, Binh Dinh provinces there are very heavy rains with a popular total rainfall of 250-350mm / hour; In Thua Thien Hue, Da Nang, Kon Tum, Gia Lai, Phu Yen there were heavy rains, in some places it was very heavy with a common rain of 100-200mm / hour. From November 5-7 in Ha Tinh to Quang Tri provinces, there were heavy rains, some places with very heavy rains with a total common rainfall of 100-200mm / hour.
Level of risk of natural disasters caused by storms: level 3.