An elections official collects classified ballots by mail in Chester County, Pennsylvania – Photo: AP
According to NPR, US election officials noted that the winner of this year’s presidential election may not be known when on election night from 3 to 11 (US time, that is, from noon from 4 to 11, Vietnam time) end.
Regulations in some states do not allow election officials to begin processing mail-in ballots until the 3-11 Election Day. And with the record number of voters cast by mail this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the completion of the vote count could take several days.
In six extremely important states, including Arizona, Florida, Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, where the lines between victory and defeat are thin, it can be difficult to know who wins, according to NPR Radio. when all mail ballots have been counted.
To become the next president of the United States, Republican Donald Trump or Democratic candidate Joe Biden must obtain a minimum of 270/538 electoral votes. These six states added a total of 101 electoral votes.
Election officials in fluctuating states like Michigan and Pennsylvania told voters it could take a few days to count the votes. Meanwhile, officials in Arizona, Florida and North Carolina, where mail-in ballots can be pre-processed, expect quick results.
“It may not be until November 6 for all the votes to be counted,” said Jocelyn Benson, a senior official responsible for monitoring elections in the state of Michigan. He said the results may not be available on November 3.
In Michigan, election officials in cities with more than 25,000 residents can begin processing mail-in ballots at 10 a.m. on Nov. 2, including sorting the votes and removing outer envelopes. However, you still have to wait until the 3-11 election day to count the votes.
A scene of Americans watching the televised debate between Trump and Biden – Photo: Getty Images
Historically, Detroit, Michigan, which is a major Democratic stronghold, has been slow to count votes. At a news conference last week, Janice Winfrey, a Detroit official, said the city has hired thousands more employees to improve the vote counting process.
This person warned that the final result would not be available the night of 3-11 (US time), and also spoke about the possibility of this being an “election week.”
“Timing is not our real concern. We want to make sure that every voter and every ballot is processed correctly on Election Day,” Janice Winfrey said.
Meanwhile, after asking many officials from each state and the District of Columbia about the process of reporting the results, the newspaper New York Times Many state assessments will not have complete results on Election Night 3-11.
Only eight states are expected to have at least 98% of unofficial results reported by noon the next day or November 4. There are 22 states and the District of Columbia that allow postmarked ballots to be mailed after Election Day, so the timing will depend on when the voter mails the ballot.
However, if it is only based on the state of Florida (with 29 electoral votes), considering that this is the state that decided the results, as Mr. Joe Biden said, the results of the elections in the United States can be known the 3-11.
Last week, Biden said of the role of the state: “You have the key. If Florida chooses blue (that is, supports the Democratic Party), the race is over.”
“Americans can find out who wins in Florida before going to bed on Election Night 3-11. Unlike Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin, the state of Florida allows counties to begin processing votes,” he wrote. NPR. voting, such as sorting and opening envelopes, from weeks before Election Day.
Also, unlike other states, Florida does not allow a “grace period” for vote-by-mail ballots after Election Day. “