
Typhoon No. 9 forecast is a fast-moving, intense and possibly more dangerous storm than Damrey (Typhoon No. 12) in 2017 – Photo: National Hydrometeorological Forecast Center
According to Mai Van Khiem, director of the National Center for Meteorological and Hydrological Forecasts, the tropical depression in the eastern Philippines is expected to become Typhoon No. 9 and enter the South China Sea in the early morning of October 26. Storm moves fast, with strong intensity.
Typhoons are expected to directly affect Central Central, South Central and Central Highlands provinces from October 28 to October 29, the danger level may be higher than Typhoon Damrey (No. 12) in 2017.
Typhoon Damrey (Typhoon # 12) made landfall on the south central coast and washed away a portion of the south central highlands on November 4, 2017. 107 people died, 16 disappeared and 342 were injured. More than 165,000 homes were affected, of which more than 3,500 were totally damaged. The total value of the damage after the storm announced by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development is almost a billion dollars.
At 7:00 p.m. on October 24, the location of the tropical depression is about 460 kilometers east of the central coast of the Philippines. The strongest wind in the area near the center of strong tropical low pressure level 7 (50-60 km / h), level 9.
Tropical depressions continue to move in a northwesterly direction, traveling at about 20 km per hour, and are likely to become storms. At 7:00 pm on October 25, the position of the storm was off the west coast of the Central Philippines. The strongest wind in the area near the center of strong storms is level 8-9 (60-90 km / h), level 11.
From 7:00 p.m. on October 25 to 7:00 p.m. on October 26, the typhoon moved mainly westward, traveling at 20-25 km per hour; entering the South China Sea and potentially strengthening.
At 7:00 p.m. on October 26, the mind of the storm was about 570 km from Song Tu Tay Island to the northeast. The strongest wind in the area near the center of strong storms is level 9-10 (75-100 km / h), level 12.
From 7:00 p.m. on October 26 to 7:00 p.m. on October 27, the storm moves westward, traveling 20-25 km every hour and is likely to be stronger.
As for the development of storm No. 8, until 10 o’clock at night on October 24, the position of the storm was about 17.6 degrees north latitude; 111.1 degrees east longitude, about 150 km from the Hoang Sa archipelago in the northwest.
The strongest wind in the area near the center of strong storms is level 9-10 (75-100 km / hour), level 12. The radius of strong winds from level 6, pull from level 8 or more is about 150 km from the center of the storm; strong wind level 10, level 12 about 50 km from the center of the storm.
In the next 24 hours, the storm is forecast to move westward, traveling 15 to 20 km every hour, gradually weakening into a tropical depression.
At 10:00 p.m. on October 25, the location of the center of the tropical depression is approximately 17.5 north latitude; 106.9 degrees Dong Long, on the coast of the provinces from Ha Tinh to Quang Tri. The strongest wind in the area near a strong tropical low pressure is at level 6-7 (40-60 km / hour), level 9.
East Sea Storm Hazard Zone in Next 24 Hours (Strong Winds of Level 6 or Higher, Shakes from Level 8 or Higher): 15.5 to 20.0 degrees North latitude; West longitude 113.5 degrees East longitude. All vessels operating in the danger zone are at high risk of being affected by strong winds.
Due to the influence of storms, the western maritime zone of the Northeast Sea (including the waters of the Hoang Sa Archipelago) has storms, strong winds 9-10, level 12; sea waves 5-6 m high; The sea is very strong.
Over the next 24 to 36 hours, the tropical depression moves westward, every hour 10-15 km, heads inland, and weakens to a low-pressure area.
At 10:00 am on October 26, the center of the low pressure area is approximately 17.3 north latitude; 104.1 degrees east longitude. The strongest wind in the center of the low pressure area falls below level 6 (below 40 km / h).