The entire hill fell to the border post, dozens of soldiers and soldiers escaped the accident


The entire hill crashed to the border post, dozens of soldiers and soldiers escaped - Photo 1.

The landslide caused the collapse of three blocks of houses, including the command house, breaking the wall. Fortunately, officers and soldiers were discovered and relocated – Photo: HOAI NAM

Fortunately, all of the station’s officers and soldiers are safe. Currently, all the people and equipment of the station have been relocated to a safer place.

Video: Hill collapsed at border post, many blocks of houses collapsed

Prior to that, at 10:30 on October 19, the border post at the Cha Lo international border gate discovered many cracks and subsidence in some areas of the station, some of the walls showing signs of cracking.

The entire hill crashed to the border post, dozens of soldiers and soldiers escaped - Photo 3.

The scene of the border post after the collapse of the mountain – Photo: HOAI NaN

Recognizing that the above abnormal signs are potentially dangerous, this unit urgently moved officers, soldiers, weapons, documents and other important assets out of the unit to the destination. safety.

At 19:00 pm, a landslide occurred near the door of the unit’s station. A collapsed hill blocked all of Highway 12 and collapsed two rows of station houses for officers and soldiers.

The entire hill crashed to the border post, dozens of soldiers and soldiers escaped - Photo 4.

Collapsed hill blocked Highway 12 – Photo: DUC TRI

Over 9 p.m., another landslide occurred, causing the command house line to tilt and crack many walls. Currently, the homes around this border post have also been relocated to ensure security.

This landslide also caused a more than 300m stretch of Highway 12 to crack and the road surface to break into pieces.
