According to the document the reporter received, the evaluation of grade 1 textbooks only recently, the Ministry of Education and Training estimated to spend 16.7 billion VND. In 2016, the Ministry of Education and Training and the Ministry of Finance issued Circular No. 21 that guides the specific content and level of spending of the project to support the renewal of general education, specifying the level of spending for each related content to evaluate textbooks. .
For the experimental teaching content of the textbook program, the remuneration is 100,000 VND / class / primary school teacher; 120,000 VND / lesson / high school teacher; 135,000 VND / lesson / high school teacher. Schools with experimental teaching are also supported: remuneration for teacher assignments, scheduling, student management, collection of opinions; Administrative expenses incurred … (this cost is equal to 5% of the total remuneration of the experimental teaching teachers in the school).
However, with this category, because the Ministry of Education and Training does not organize to compile a textbook, it does not spend as prescribed in the circular. The second content is to pay a remuneration to the members of the boards of evaluation of national programs, The National Council evaluates the textbooks.
The maximum expense for the chairman of the council is 200,000 VND / session; the maximum expense for the vice president, commissioner and secretary is 150,000 VND / session. To read and evaluate textbooks, spend 35,000 VND / period / person; The reading and evaluation of instructional materials according to the program is up to 30,000 VND / class / person.
From the provisions of the circular, about the Vietnamese language class 1 with the teaching time of 420 periods, it can be seen that for grade 1, in 2019, the first evaluation, the Ministry of Education and Training received 6 sample drafts with 15 members. The total remuneration of the evaluation council is VND 1.323 billion, and if a complete set of textbooks with 1 appraisal shift is calculated, the amount to be spent is VND 35.525 million.
In 2019, there are 5 complete textbooks approved by the Ministry of Education and Training and 1 set of textbooks by GS. Ho Ngoc Dai was removed as 6 appraised textbooks, so if only 1 appraiser shift is counted, the remuneration payment will be VND 213.15 million. But because there are 9 evaluation boards, each council has a different number of members, so the amount spent is more than 9.8 billion, which is more than 58% of the budget compared to the original estimate.
It is difficult to supervise textbooks experimentally.
In Circular 21, the project has funding for the practical test of textbooks. “Hotel” in Vietnamese textbooks not only recently raised the problem of evaluation, but also raised the problem of how to experience the textbook. According to the reporter, at present, the Ministry of Education and Training has not had any document stipulating how long the editors of each topic have to experiment in practice, but only the regulations have experimental content in the dossier to send to the panel. National textbook designation.
That means editors decide how to experiment, how to experiment for a long time. Due to the full authority of the editors, editors will prioritize budget issue over experimental efficiency. A representative of a 4-textbook collection and publishing unit of the Vietnam Education Publishing House said that before being evaluated, the book was tested in 10 provinces and cities for a year and a half.
The experiment includes both content and method. All topics, editorial groups should develop a capacity outline, detailed outlines of each lesson, then write a lesson for the group to discuss, and then put the teaching into practice. After the teacher’s comments, he / she will draw on the experience and then teach the experiment. Before that, GS. Nguyen Minh Thuyet, editor of the Canh Dieu series Vietnamese textbook, said his book was tested in a primary school on the outskirts of Hanoi.
However, with what is happening with current first grade Vietnamese textbooks, many experts doubt the efficacy of allowing publishers to organize their own experiments in practice. Meanwhile, the current educational program, before changing the massive book, the Ministry of Education and Training conducted an experiment for 2 years, collecting comments, suggestions and editing.
Professor Mai Ngoc Chu, Vice Chairman of the First Grade Vietnamese Textbook Assessment Board, said the process of experimenting with first grade textbooks was too rushed. This process, if organized by the Ministry of Education and Training, will be objective and better. “When evaluating books, one of the tough standards is the empirical question. Five volumes were carried out on an experimental basis, but in just a few months. During the evaluation, we asked very carefully where and how the experiment was carried out, the group of authors presented in full. But we also cannot evaluate each class, each teacher and each student to see the level to what extent, ”said Professor Chu.
In the 2020-2021 school year, the Ministry of Education and Training officially implements the new general education program (2018 educational program) for the first grade with many textbooks. In 2019, the Department received 49 samples of 9 subjects for the first grade for evaluation. Of these, there are 45 satisfactory copies, equivalent to 5 first-grade textbooks from 3 publishers, including Vietnam Education Publishing House (4 sets), Hanoi Pedagogical Publishing House, and Ho City Pedagogical University Publishing House. Chi Minh (in collaboration with 1 game).