New first grade program: Does the Ministry of Education and Training have the necessary adjustments?


New first grade program: Does the Ministry of Education and Training have the necessary adjustments?  Photo 1.

Students learn new first grade textbooks – Photo: TT

That’s just one of nearly 300 questions readers have submitted to the online exchange program “Answering Questions About the New Grade 1 Program” organized by the Tuoi Tre newspaper from 3pm to 5pm, October 7-10, with participation family of umbrellang Thai Van Tai – Director of the Department of Primary Education, Ministry of Education and Training and umbrellaNguyen quang vinh – Head of the Department of Primary Education of the Department of Education and Training of HCMC.

Emphasized “The fact that there are many textbooks for each subject is to comply with the provisions of Resolution 29 and Resolution 88. This provision is later specified in the Education Law 2019 ”, said Mr. Thai Van Tai vThere are many sets of books that help the school to have many options to implement the program according to the real conditions of the institution, appropriate to the characteristics of the students in the region, because each textbook has a form of private access .

“Each textbook has a different approach, so the fact that students in schools can learn different textbooks will help them to have more diverse ways of thinking. Teaching and learning by teachers, learning Students they are also active and creative to reach the exit goal of training and developing the skills and qualities of students, ”emphasized Mr. Tai.

Mr. Thai Van Tai, Director of the Department of Primary Education, Ministry of Education and Training, shares about the new degree 1 program – Video: MAI THUONG

Also added Teachers have the right to develop and adjust their instructional plans to suit subjects to ensure that they meet performance standards at the end of the school year for each subject.

Meanwhile he Nguyen Quang Vinh suggested Parents coordinate with the school to educate students, “playing and learning together at home through some form of experiential learning, creating a warm home environment, along with a teaching environment.” School education is friendly and socially safe, bringing joy to children “…

New first grade program: Does the Ministry of Education and Training have the necessary adjustments?  Photo 3.

Mr. Thai Van Tai – Director of the Department of Primary Education, Ministry of Education and Training – Photo: VIET DUNG

New first grade program: Does the Ministry of Education and Training have the necessary adjustments?  - Photo 4.

Mr. Nguyen Quang Vinh – Head of the Department of Primary Education, Department of Education and Training of HCMC – Photo: DUYEN PHAN

