His support for Trump was 1 percentage point higher than Biden in a poll conducted by the British Academy of Democracy following news of his infection with Covid-19.
Monthly polls released by the London, UK, and Washington, US-based Institute for Democracy on October 4 show that US President Donald Trump is still on track to win the election. annual presidential. now with 46% support, one percentage point ahead of Democrat Joe Biden. However, Trump is down two percentage points from last month’s poll.
The survey was conducted exclusively by the Institute for Democracy, a politically independent public policy research organization, for the British Express newspaper. The results of the polls of this institute contrast with the polls recently conducted by the media and voting units of American public opinion.
The survey was completed after the President of the United States announced that he and his wife were infected with Covid-19. However, 68% of those polled said the president’s virus infection did not affect their vote, 19% said they were more supportive of Trump, and 13% said they were less likely to support him.

US President Donald Trump (right) and Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden. Image: AFP.
Nearly two-thirds say they sympathize with and care for the president, while 38% say his infection with the virus is “payback,” indicating the division in current American politics.
However, the poll showed that Trump continued to lead in key states on the battlefield, including Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. He garnered 47% of voter support, 4 percentage points more than Biden.
If the poll results are accurate and reflect the choice of US voters, Trump would get 320 electoral votes and win against Biden, who is believed to have only 218 electoral votes.
While polls in the US show that Biden is in the lead, the Democratic Institute, which correctly predicted the victory of Brexit and Trump in 2016, surveyed only those identified as “likely voters.” because all registered voters and also consulted those considered “timid voters”.
Their poll shows that 77% of Trump supporters do not admit it to friends or family.
The other controversies don’t seem to have much of an effect on the elections. After the first presidential debate, 32% of voters thought Trump had won and 18% chose Biden, but about 50% thought it was a tie. More than 7 in 10 say the debate has not changed the way they vote.
Law and order continued to be the main topic of the elections after riots related to protests by “critical networks of color”, and 32% identified this as their greatest concern. 30% of those surveyed consider the economy to be the main problem when the Covid-19 pandemic continues to rage.
Trump is valued higher economically than Biden with 70% of those polled saying the economy is recovering. 60% trust Trump financially, while Biden’s rate is 40%.
Biden, meanwhile, has a “reality problem,” with twice the number of people claiming that reality star Kim Kardasian has helped reform the prison as the former vice president. When asked who has the most positive impact on criminal justice, 41% said Trump, a similar proportion chose Kim Kardasian, and only 18% chose Biden.
“When a reality TV star beats you in polls on a major policy, you know your campaign has a problem,” said Democratic Institute director Patrick Basham. “We found the confidence of Kim Kardashian voters in promoting criminal justice reform, an issue particularly important to black voters, double the rate of support for Biden.” .
“Trump and Biden’s respective stances on this particular issue reflect Biden’s ‘Achilles Heel’ in the election, which is the relatively low support and lack of enthusiasm from black voters for him. To beat Trump, Biden he needed 9 out of 10 black votes and many black voters would vote. Currently, Biden is determined to win only 8/10, with two out of 10 voters. Blacks are ready to support Trump, “added Basham.
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