On the morning of September 15, the Xuan Loc District Functional Force, Dong Nai Province, said that it had found a baby, Tran Vu Tuan K. (4 years old, other name is Bin), who lived in group 14 , Tho Binh Village, Xuan Tho Commune. in a stream near Chua Chan Mountain, more than 1 km from home.
However, baby K. died, his body being driven by functional forces before handing it over to his family to handle the story.
At the scene, K’s body showed signs of deformation, swelling, no clothes. The family confirmed, it is the child’s body with the bracelet intact and some other identifying signs.
The place where K’s body was found is 1 km from his home.
More pitiful when the family said that since baby K. disappeared until now, the father has not been at sea or any information about the child because the family cannot contact because there is no phone signal.
Those looking for baby K. said the possibility of the baby being lost and having no food should starve. Yesterday, the rain was heavy and perhaps the baby was washed away in a stream that originated from the Chua Chan mountain.
As we previously reported, around 10 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. on September 6, while at home, due to his grandfather forgetting to lock the door, K. went out and then got lost, causing the family will search.
According to the family, baby K. has a developmental delay, autism, lives with the grandparents, on normal days the grandparents watch over the baby so that it does not come out. Despite functional forces, the family tried searching for many days, but still could not find baby K. Until the discovery, the baby died.
Currently, authorities are still clarifying the cause of K.