Intellectual people
Elementary schools must provide in a timely and comprehensive manner information about the textbooks used at school so that parents of students know and make purchases. Schools prohibit forcing the purchase of additional referrals for first graders.
On September 4, the Ministry of Education and Training (Education and Training) issued Official Letter No. 3401 / BGDĐT-GDTH to the provincial Education and Training Departments on equipping textbooks and reference materials in primary schools.
The dispatch said that recently, some parents have reflected to the press about the situation that some elementary schools require students to buy textbooks (textbooks), reference materials. The general education program 2018 (curriculum for high school) for the first grade of the 2020-2021 school year does not comply with the regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training.
For this reason, the Ministry of Education and Training requires the Departments to seriously implement some content on this subject.
Specifically, the Department of Education and Training must strictly comply with the content of the textbooks and reference materials prescribed in the Charter of the Elementary School issued together with Circular No. 41/2010 / TT-BGDĐT (dated 12/30) / 2010) by the Minister of Education and Training.
In which, clearly defined, textbooks are mandatory documents used in teaching and learning under the primary education curriculum prescribed by the Minister of Education and Training.
The school equips reference materials for teachers’ teaching and research activities; Encourage teachers to use referrals to improve the quality of education.
All organizations and individuals cannot force students to buy reference materials, parents, students buy them themselves according to their actual needs and they are optional, not mandatory.
For 1st grade textbooks for the 2020-2021 school year, the 2018-2021 curriculum will be implemented, which has been approved by the Ministry of Education and Training, which includes 8 compulsory subjects: Mathematics, Vietnamese, Ethics, Nature-Social, Physical Education. Quality, Experimental Activities, Music, Fine Arts and 01 optional subject is English.
Elementary schools must quickly and completely provide information on textbooks used in schools so that students and their families know and make purchases.
The Ministry of Education and Training requires that the Department of Education and Training instruct the primary education institutions in the area to strictly comply with the above regulations so that the provision of textbooks and reference materials for students guarantees correctness. correct, sufficient, effective and avoided. waste.
Before, Intellectual people should reflect An Phong Elementary School, District 8, City. Ho Chi Minh City put up a list of first grade books, including textbooks and reference books, up to 25 books for parents to sign up to buy more than 800,000 VND at the beginning of the school year, frustrating many people.
Speaking with PV Dan Tri, Mr. Thai Van Tai, Director of the Department of Primary Education (Ministry of Education and Training), said that according to the regulations, the new first grade textbook of the 2018 Education Program has 8 compulsory books and a subject. choose.
Required textbooks include: mathematics, Vietnamese, ethics, nature – society, physical education, experiential activities, music, fine arts, and optional English books.
In addition to the above official textbooks, other reference materials for students, parents can purchase according to their actual needs and are optional, not mandatory.
City events. HCM is a lesson for schools when communication with parents of students about purchasing books for the new school year must be clear, open and transparent.
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